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More google logo generator related news:
What is Google Instance? 19 Sep 2010 | 07:33 pm
What is Google Instance? That is because, Google has started instant search. Not only Google logo, if you type any text for search and delete it with Backspace, the same will happen. So when they are...
Paul Cézanne Google 23 Jan 2011 | 10:11 pm
Paul Cézanne Google - Do you already access Google today? You must wonder why the Google logo turned into a painting. On January 19th is the birthday of the renowned French artist and painter Paul Ce...
GSiteCrawler -Google Sitemap Generator – Site Haritası Oluşturma Programı 18 Jul 2009 | 04:44 am
Bugünde sizlerle SOFTplus firmasının sitemap oluşturmak için hazırladığı GsiteCrawler programı hakkında bildiklerimi paylaşacağım… Sitenizde binlerce sayfa var ve bunları Google indexlemiyorsa , site...
博客圈最流行的30个 wordpress 插件 12 Dec 2011 | 06:35 am
原文 翻译:sein 似乎每个写博的人都列举过自己喜欢的插件,这篇关于 wordpress 插件的文章,是在总结了 48个列表280个插件的基础上写出来的。 Akismet :规则严厉的反 spam 插件。 Google Sitemap Generator :SEO 利器,生成规范的站点地图以便 Google 收录。 Related posts :自动搜索并列举...
Keith Haring Google Doodle – 04 May 2012 4 May 2012 | 01:43 pm
Keith Haring Google Doodle You might have seen today that Google has again changed with its Doodle and the Google logo gone away. This time its for Keith Haring. Today is The birthday of Keith Ha...
Google Doodle Today – 9/5/2012 9 May 2012 | 11:11 pm
Today Google celebrated the birth for Howard Carter with their ever popular Google doodle. A Google doodle, is an artwork that replaces with Google logo, on worldwide Google search platforms, although...
How to Set your Plus One tab to public. 21 Nov 2011 | 05:35 pm
How to Set Google PluseOne Tab to Public First log into your Google account (Google+) Then Go to the profile tab from the navigation bar at Next to Google+ logo. Then you will find the "Edit Profil...
Google Hack: Simple Google webpage hack 25 Oct 2011 | 11:30 pm
Hello friends. It has been a long time since I posted on Techotoys. Today, I am writing on a small Google hack which is useful in customizing the Google logo. Using this Google hack, one can change th...
Rätselhaftes Phänomen dank Google 5 Sep 2009 | 03:23 pm
Rätselhaftes Phänomen lautet heute am 5. September 2009 die Überschrift hinter dem abgewandeltem Google-Logo, da so genannte Google Doodle. Was steckt aber hinter “rätselhaftes Phänomen”, das Google D...
DOODLEs : google logó másképp 1 Jul 2010 | 07:00 pm
Mindenki ismeri a google kereső szolgáltatásait, mindenki ismeri a google logót, és mindannyian rácsodálkozunk a kreatív, aktuális google logó változatokra amikor azok megjelennek a kedvenc kereső hon...