Most google maps api php related news are at:

Creative programming at TEDx Torino 26 Aug 2013 | 12:44 pm
Recently, I did a talk about Creative Programming at TEDx in Turin (Italy). Here the recorded video of my presentation: I spoke about the creativity in computer programming, the idea of algorithm, th...
ZendService_Api, a micro HTTP framework to consume generic API calls in PHP 10 May 2013 | 03:22 pm
How many times did you write code to perform HTTP calls for an API service? This can be a tedious and repetitive task that can take some time. You need to prepare the HTTP call, check the response cod...
More google maps api php related news:
google map api php 获取 地址坐标 27 Jun 2013 | 01:35 pm
写这篇博客,是想分析一下,大众点评,搜房网地图实现原理,以及,找附近的房子,找附近的美食等是怎么实现的。看了这篇博客,你就会明白了。 一,原理分析 1,录入地址,不管是美食店,还是小区都是有地址。 2,根据地址,通过google map api获取地址的坐标,存到数据库中。 3,在地图上显示时,只要根据坐标,在地图上标出来行。 4,如果要找附近的美食,房子啊,通过算存在数据库中的坐标就可...
Google-Maps API-Key-Probleme bei Youtube 17 Feb 2012 | 12:42 pm
Google hatte vorhin selbst API-Key-Probleme mit der Einbindung von Google-Maps – in Youtube. Folgende Meldung bekam ich zu Gesicht: Tja … In der Zwischenzeit scheint der Key ausgetauscht zu sein....
Ebooks Programming 7 Dec 2011 | 08:31 am
special thank's to : aLbeBz | lovebread | masrosid | bluething cari ebook? disini tempatnya A ActionScript 3.0 Adobe flex 3 Android B Beginning Programming Beginning.Google.Maps.API C C# 4.0 C++ C...
Multiple line html code assign to a javascript variable/ assign cakephp element to a javascript variable 5 Aug 2011 | 07:02 pm
I was working with google map api, I have task to make a infowindow for a marker. I faced some problem when I assigned multiple line code to a javascript variable. I tried to put a html code to a java...
[Android] How to generate Google api key for Android Google maps 21 Mar 2012 | 04:37 am
This tutorial will show you how to generate google map api key for your android application using google maps. 1. Generate MD5 Certificate fingerprint First go to the directory C:\Users\<user>\.andr...
Beginning Google Maps API 3 17 Aug 2010 | 11:33 am
This book is about the next generation of the Google Maps API. It will provide the reader with the skills and knowledge necessary to incorporate Google Maps v3 on web pages in both desktop and mobile ...
WP GMappity 0.5 comming soon 14 Mar 2011 | 12:20 pm
Development of version 0.5 of the WP GMappity plug-in is under way. This version will migrate to version 3 of the Google Maps API. That will enable quite a few improvements as v3 is a great leap for...
谷歌地图API收费问题 16 Apr 2012 | 07:17 pm
Google地理开发博客宣布,谷歌地图API(Google Maps API)将不再免费提供,当用户调用谷歌地图API超过一定限制,将会按照超出的次数来收取费用,费用是每一千次调用4-10美元左右。 对开发商的影响 Google建议使用Google [...]
UK Amateur Radio Repeater Map 9 Dec 2008 | 10:56 am
As a follow on from playing with the google maps api, I’ve also created a map of the UK repeaters. Soon I’ll change the marker colour based on the band in which the repeater operates. I’m also tryin...
M0GGO Visual Logbook using Ham Radio Deluxe data 8 Dec 2008 | 10:58 am
Been playling around with some code this weekend, and had the idea of plotting my logbook using the Google Maps API. Looking in my logbook however I don’t have many contacts with their Maidenhead Gri...