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More google maps apps related news:
MTLocation 9 Mar 2011 | 12:18 pm
These classes aim to mimic some of the functions of the built-in Google Maps App on iOS for you. Currently the library contains a simple Location Manager-Singleton that sends out notifications when CL...
Google Event, G Nigeria March 15-16, 2012 17 Mar 2012 | 11:03 am
Hureiii…ada kesempatan menghadiri acara Google Event di Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa. Acara selama 2 hari ini membahas Cloud & HTML5, Google Apps APIs, Google Maps, App Engine, Android & Mobile Entrep...
Android/Android_酷樂誌-精選軟體超值特輯_讀者服務區 4 Aug 2011 | 03:49 am
由 onlinemad 編輯一次9 字被刪除9 字被刪除... (App) Google Maps (App) 生活行 VoiceGO! (中文搜尋平台) (App) Key Ring Reward Cards (App) 節費達人(桌面工具) (App) Springpad (App) Evernote (App) GTasks (App) 台灣電影資訊 目前在 Android Maket 下...
Google Maps App Won’t be Found on iPhones Anytime Soon 26 Sep 2012 | 10:26 am
Bad news for iPhone users. Google has revealed that it won’t be bringing Google Maps back to IOS anytime soon. Apple launched its own Maps application last week, a move that was met by widespread deri...
Apple May Not Approve Google Maps App 6 Nov 2012 | 12:57 am
While Google has been urgently trying to produce an app to satisfy the demands of iPhone users not satisfied with the new iOS 6 map tool, it seems that they are also doubtful it will get approved. The...
New Google Maps App A Huge Win For Apple, iPhone Users 14 Dec 2012 | 06:06 am
Google – as you probably already know – today introduced a new Google Maps app for the iPhone. Google says: People around the world have been asking for Google Maps on iPhone. Starting today, we’re pl...
How To Turn Off Location Tracking On Google Maps For iOS? 14 Dec 2012 | 07:49 pm
Google released the much anticipated Google Maps app [link] for iDevices yesterday. It’s a long wait since iOS6 releases, with Google Maps being booted off iDevices as the native Maps solution. It was...
TAP 153 : Google Maps, Apple Television, Best of 2012, Mac Chimes and More! 15 Dec 2012 | 03:34 am
Alex is on his own this week on the Talking Apple podcast talking about the new Google Maps App, The best of iTunes 2012 and iPhone 5S rumours!
Googgle and the Apple App Store Release Google Maps for iOS 6 16 Dec 2012 | 08:37 pm
Hallelujah! I honestly thought that Apple would find some surreptitious way to stonewall any attempt by Google to push its iOS 6-compatible version of the Google Maps app into the app store. But it is...
Google maps for iOS gets updated, Apple said to be in talks with Beats for streaming music service, iBooks opens in Japan 6 Mar 2013 | 05:28 pm
If you use the Google Maps app on your iPhone, an update for the app has come out this week. The app now integrates Google Contacts and shows you the contact address on the map when you search for the...