Most google meta description length related news are at:

About SageRock Digital Marketing Agency 6 Nov 2008 | 05:09 am
The Digital Marketing Agency, SageRock Inc., was founded in 1999 to help clients engage customers across an ever expanding interactive marketplace. We do this through multiple channels such as search,...
SEO Site Audit 6 Nov 2008 | 05:08 am
A Site Audit provides an extremely clear picture of where you and your competitors stand with the search engines. SageRock does a thorough analysis of your existing site and any requested number of y...
More google meta description length related news:
Links in Google Meta Description 6 May 2010 | 10:12 pm
Hui, nachdem an unserer Wand ein Poster mit der Aufschrift “GOTT” prangert, wundert mich nix mehr. Allerdings bin ich eben auf dieses Phänomen gestossen: Ein Link direkt innerhalb des Description Tags...
Meta Description Google Sıralamanızı Yeniden Etkilemeye Başladı 28 Feb 2010 | 04:19 am
Durun hemen atlamayın. Ben de biliyorum Google’un 2009 senesinde bunu yalanlayacak şekilde açıklama yaptığını. Bu aralar günlerimiz SEO ve Sosyal Medya AR-GE çalışması yaparak geçiyor. Ocak ayından be...
15 SEO Tips to Give You the Edge Over Your Competition 24 May 2012 | 07:44 am
1. Page Titles and Meta Description The first thing that viewers notice on a website/blog is its title. So obviously it needs to be short, descriptive and eye-catching. Since Google displays only 66 ...
Yahoo, You Still Rely on Meta Keywords for Ranking Websites? 26 Sep 2010 | 08:40 pm
Do top search engines; Google and Yahoo give importance to Meta description and Meta Keywords tags for ranking purpose? Most of the answers from stalwarts of SEO so far have been "meta keywords tag is...
Anti duplicate title tags and duplicate meta descriptions pada Blogspot 22 Mar 2012 | 05:27 am
Mengatasi duplicate title tags and duplicate meta descriptions pada Blogspot - Untuk mengetahui blog kita memiliki duplicate title tags and duplicate meta descriptions silahkan login ke
Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool 9 Dec 2011 | 11:17 pm
Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool, è un tool che ci aiuterà a visualizzare l’anteprima della Meta description del nostro sito web sui risultati nei motore di ricerca di Google. Ci permetterà anch...
איך לנסח Meta Description ו – Title מתאים? 21 Apr 2010 | 06:55 am
פיצ'ר מעניין שאולי לא הספקתם להכיר ונוסף לאחרונה בממשק ה – Google Webmaster Tools יאפשר לבדוק האם אתם מממשים את מלוא הפוטנציאל שגלום במיקומים שהשגתם. תכירו: Click-Through Rate וגם כמה מילים על איך שהח...
Low down on SEO by Google & Co. | Optimizing a website the right way. 20 Jul 2010 | 03:18 am
If you have a website, doing SEO correctly for your site can be confusing. Title page, meta description, keywords, images, etc. Here’s Matt Cutts laying it out with examples; What to do and what NOT t...
Add a Meta Description Tag 14 Nov 2011 | 12:38 am
Learn what a meta description tag is, how to create a meta description tag, the length is should be and how to compose the text in your meta description tag. Add a Meta Description Tag is a post from...
Google’s SEO Report Card 11 Mar 2010 | 09:13 pm
Dans les sites de Google, combien de pages ont-elles un titre explicatif ? Quelle est la proportion de pages de Google qui utilisent une balise META « description » ? Et combien sont structurées avec ...