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2013父親節快樂 13 Aug 2013 | 11:22 pm
倒了一杯Everyday Red,差點想直接灑在地上。喔,我忘了你比較愛喝高粱和蔘茸,畢竟冰櫃裡面的行軍高粱也是你教我放的,而國中時幾乎每天晚餐的一瓶蔘茸,跑腿的也總是我。 不知不覺,又回復到2011年朝九晚一的工作情境,每次要到下午時即便灌了多少咖啡,我眼睛總是快睜不開,而總是要喝上第一杯威士忌或便宜啤酒時,我才切換到另外一個情境和另外一個高速檔。 企業或大單位在規劃未來時總是在想五年計畫五...
熱死人的壘球開打 [Flickr] 11 Aug 2013 | 10:43 am
marioyang posted a photo:
More google nexus one related news:
Vodafone UK lancia il Google Nexus One nel mese di aprile 28 Feb 2010 | 07:58 pm
Secondo le voci iniziali,il Nexus One avrebbe dovuto essere disponibile attraverso Vodafone dalla fine di gennaio o all’inizio di febbraio. E sebbene non vi sia stata alcuna comunicazione ...
Sinhala Unicode on Android – Google Nexus One 25 Jul 2010 | 09:01 pm
මාස 5කින් පස්සේ බ්ලොග් පොස්ට් එකක් ලියන්න හදන්නේ මාව දැන් සිංහල බ්ලොග් කියවනයෙන් පන්නලා ගොඩක් කල්. මොකද දින 90කින් බ්ලොග් එකක් ලිවුවේ නැත්නම් එලවනවා නේ මම ඉතින් මගේ iPhone එකට ලගදී සමුදුන්නා. මේකට හේ...
Lista de los mejores telefonos con android 19 Aug 2010 | 05:44 pm
1. Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 2. Google Nexus One 3. Dell Thunder 4. HTC Bravo (Passion) 5. HTC EVO 4G 6. HTC Droid Incredible 7. HTC Desire 8. HTC Desire HD 9. HTC Vision 10. Samsung Galaxy S ...
Googles mobil släppt: Google Phone / Nexus One 6 Jan 2010 | 08:53 am
Är Google Phone / Nexus One en hit? Idag, den 5 januari 2010, släppte Google sin omtalade mobiltelefon Nexus one. Telefonen kan beställas från Google’s website direkt här: Google Nexus One. Med svens...
I’m on Google Nexus One – Said my goodbye to the iPhone 3GS 14 Jan 2010 | 06:22 pm
Read on why I switched to Google’s Nexus One. Not saying I would not use the iPhone x.x version in the future, but for now, Nexus One fits me like a glove.
Google Nexus One 25 Oct 2010 | 03:10 am
Nexus One 3 Mar 2010 | 11:01 pm
Ponsel anyar besutan Google, Nexus One, tak lama lagi akan meramaikan pasar ponsel cerdas di Indonesia. Ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android 2.1 itu coba dibawa masuk oleh Indosat. Kapan? "Insya Alla...
Очередное обновление для Google Nexus One — Android 2.2.2 22 Jan 2011 | 11:09 pm
Суд по всему — обновление это minor. Т.е. низкого приоритета, ибо вес его 550 килобайт. Лога пока никто не видел (что пофикшено), но понятно точно что теперь убран SMS Bug о котором ранее сообщали мно...
Google Nexus One dostaje właśnie aktualizację Android 2.2.1 – łatka na lukę zabezpieczeń 25 Sep 2010 | 02:22 am
Nexus One Update Now Jakiś czas temu, ostatnio można wręcz powiedzieć, teoretyzowałem sobie na temat wady podejścia Google’a do kontroli nad Androidem. Konkretnie – brak centralnej kontroli to prosze...
Phone Review : Android Google Nexus S 28 Jan 2011 | 07:42 am
Google launched the Nexus revealed Android superphone technology at the begining of January 2010. The Google nexus one, made by HTC, was designed to display Android on very high end hardware at a time...