Most google nexus prime related news are at:

Looking for a 5.3-inch Phone for Under $250? Check out the Maxwest Telecom Orbit 5200 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
Bigger is better, right? Not too long ago, a 3.5-inch smartphone display was pretty standard. Than 4-inches, now 5-inch. Now we have devices pushing 6-inches or – in the case of the Sony Xperia Z Ultr...
Nokia Tablet Poses For the Camera 27 Aug 2013 | 03:50 am
We’ve been hearing about Nokia tablets for a while now, and just recently even reported on some alleged specs for such a device. While now we finally might have an actual look at the device. Going by ...
More google nexus prime related news:
Download Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 User Manual 2 Dec 2011 | 12:31 pm
Here's the Samsung Galaxy Nexus GT-I9250 user manual, the first device to ship with the brand new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich platform. This smartphone are also known as Samsung Google Nexus Prime,...
The first Android phone 4.0, Google's Future Prime Nexus Glide in October 2011? 20 Aug 2011 | 05:46 pm
Third-generation smartphones from Google, Nexus Prime, which was mentioned to be the first smartphone, the Android OS was 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich according to the latest news as reported by the Electro...
Android 4.0 ICS i Google Nexus Prime 7 Jan 2012 | 03:11 am
Google i Samsung zaprezentowały nowy smartfon Google Nexus Prime. Będzie on pierwszym telefonem z Androidem 4.0 o nazwie kodowej Ice Cream Sandwich. Android 4.0 i Nexus Prime są o wiele lepsze od pop...
Google Nexus Terbaru Mendarat Oktober? 1 Oct 2012 | 02:49 pm
Google Nexus Terbaru Mendarat Oktober? Google Nexus Prime (Ist/TheTechLand) San Francisco – Google disebut-sebut segera meluncurkan gadget Nexus berikutnya. Smartphone Nexus kabarnya akan mendarat s...
Download New Android Market 3.2.0 from Nexus Prime 14 Oct 2011 | 04:54 am
The latest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) is supposed to be released with the new Nexus Prime or Galaxy Nexus. This device also feature the new Android market which is 3.2.0. XDA develop...
Vodafone UK lancia il Google Nexus One nel mese di aprile 28 Feb 2010 | 07:58 pm
Secondo le voci iniziali,il Nexus One avrebbe dovuto essere disponibile attraverso Vodafone dalla fine di gennaio o all’inizio di febbraio. E sebbene non vi sia stata alcuna comunicazione ...
Sinhala Unicode on Android – Google Nexus One 25 Jul 2010 | 09:01 pm
මාස 5කින් පස්සේ බ්ලොග් පොස්ට් එකක් ලියන්න හදන්නේ මාව දැන් සිංහල බ්ලොග් කියවනයෙන් පන්නලා ගොඩක් කල්. මොකද දින 90කින් බ්ලොග් එකක් ලිවුවේ නැත්නම් එලවනවා නේ මම ඉතින් මගේ iPhone එකට ලගදී සමුදුන්නා. මේකට හේ...
Galaxy Nexus Prime w/ Android 4.0 OS (w/ video) 19 Oct 2011 | 07:59 pm
Bu gün Bakı vaxtı ilə səhər 7-də, Samsung şirkətinin Galaxy ailəsinə daha bir nəhəng qatıldı. Motorolla Razr`dan sonra Google şirkəti ilə birlikdə təqdim edilən Samsung Nexus Prime artıq yeni əməliyya...
Google Nexus S 9 Dec 2010 | 05:40 am
People in Google face hard times selling Nexus One and this time they are proud to present Nexus S Which a younger brother of his failed, so to say. Let’s have a closer look at what we are offered. O...
#Maxis10 – Berbaloikah Memiliki Google Nexus S? 5 Apr 2011 | 04:04 am
Sudah dua minggu aku diberi peluang untuk membuat review untuk telefon pintar ini – Google Nexus S.. Terima kasih kepada pihak Maxis yang memberi kepercayaan kepada aku untuk melaksanakan tugas yang b...