Most google offers to buy groupon related news are at:

Former top cop calls for the persecution of whistleblowers 27 Aug 2013 | 04:27 pm
A former top cop has decided that whistleblowers should be arrested on sight. The Guardian reports the former Metropolitan police commissioner Lord Blair has said that there was material the state ha...
Wall Street traders pinched source code 27 Aug 2013 | 03:40 pm
Three Wall Street Traders have been arrested after they borrowed their firm's computer software source code with the idea of setting up their own business. Flow Traders has specialised in building in...
More google offers to buy groupon related news:
Google Loses Groupon Deal, Unveils Google eBooks 9 Dec 2010 | 01:00 am
Have you heard? Google offered to buy for $6 Billion dollars. That's Billion with a capital B. THEY TURNED IT DOWN. Holy moly. Now that's what I call brazen. Gus (my husband)...
See Your Total Savings With ‘I Love Deals’ Personal Profiles 3 Dec 2011 | 07:37 am
Do you know how many deals you bought this year? If you’re anything like me, you have no idea. It’s all a blur of endless emails from Groupons, LivingSocials, Gilt, Google Offers, etc. etc. Well, ...
Google Could Buy Groupon Deals Site 1 Dec 2010 | 09:10 pm
Google, the internet giant is in talks to buy Groupon for $6 billion, according to sources from the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. The move would solidify Google's move into the local ad...
Did Google Really Buy Groupon for 2.5 Billion? 30 Nov 2010 | 08:43 am
The technology news on the internet today is abuzz with rumors of Google buying Groupon for 2.5 billion dollars. All the stories are quoting the same single site – – which in turn is citing a...
Η Google ετοιμάζει τον αντίπαλο της Groupon, με το Google Offers 24 Jan 2011 | 11:11 pm
«Ό,τι δεν μπορείς να εξαγοράσεις, φτιάξε το μόνος σου»: κάπως έτσι φαίνεται πως προσεγγίζει η Google την είσοδό της στον χώρο των online προσφορών, μετά την πρόσφατη αποτυχία της να εξαγοράσει την Gro...
Google Offers 21 Jan 2011 | 11:27 pm
Apprendo stamattina da Mashable che Google si prepara a lanciare Google Offers, un potente competitor per Groupon e il suo settore di business. Big G aveva tentato di entrare nel settore "deals" prop...
Google sur le point de lancer Google offers, un concurrent direct de Groupon 21 Jan 2011 | 10:11 pm
Selon le site Mashable, Google serait sur le point de lancer Google Offers, un concurrent direct de Groupon qui pour rappel refusa il y a quelques mois une offre de rachat de la part de Google s’éleva...
Should Maryland Website Design Firms Suggest Adding Google Checkout To E-commerce Clients 21 Dec 2011 | 09:54 pm
Google has a host of great applications and services, all designed to make Internet browsing and shopping user-friendly. One service that Google offers is called Google Checkout, and it makes buying a...
Google Offers futur concurrent de Groupon ! 21 Jan 2011 | 06:01 pm
Google travaille au lancement du concurrent de Groupon, Google Offers, quelques semaines après avoir tenté de le racheter pour 6 milliards de dollars. C’est Mashable qui a dévoilé cette info exclusive...
Google пуска конкурент на сервиса Groupon 22 Jan 2011 | 02:27 am
Както писах преди няколко дни, Google отдавна искаше да купи Groupon за $6 млрд, но след като не успя, в отговор на инвазията на Groupon решил да пусне свой сервис Google offers. «Google Offers – е н...