Most google place web related news are at:

Stop Paying For Mobile Coupons 9 Feb 2013 | 08:55 am
The Mobile Opportunity 23 Aug 2012 | 02:44 am
There is a lot of hype out there about going mobile and with good reason. The mobile evolution is moving 10 times faster than the invention of the internet! This new mobile lifestyle is a huge opportu...
More google place web related news:
Google Place Search And Its Impact On Location Services 29 Oct 2010 | 01:39 am
Yesterday Google announced the launch of Place Search. From now on when Google’s algorithms think you are performing a location specific search you will automatically be shown the Place Search SERP la...
アクセス解析結果をWeb APIで取得「Clicky API」 23 Apr 2008 | 05:39 pm
Google Analyticsは便利なのだけれど、Web APIを公開していないのでデータの再利用性が悪い。便利なデータだけに、もっと色々なデータと連結したり、別なインタフェースで見たいと思うのは当然だ。 Clickyのトップページ その点Clickyは違う。アクセス解析結果で得られるほぼ全てのデータをWeb APIで取得することができる。Clickyに関する紹介は 4つの便利機能がお勧めの...
WebP - Google New Web Image Format 2 Oct 2010 | 01:53 am
Google just released new image format for Web, called WebP.The new WebP format can save 40% smaller from regular JPG format.It is based on the VP8 image data format with a container based on RIFF.for ...
Do Google Places Listings Really Matter? 3 Oct 2011 | 04:32 pm
We’ve noticed, for many cases, if you have great organic rankings for your local terms, having the additional visuals of a map marker, logo image, and address/phone info, plus maybe star ratings, revi... 2 May 2011 | 08:35 pm
Just recently I have been developing a local campaign for a franchise, and I found it rather tedious to convert the hours format in the Google Places template that is available for download. Yes, you....
How to Hit the Heights in Google Places 14 May 2011 | 07:13 am
The Internet is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, with Internet advertising expected to overtake other mediums such as newspaper advertising in the near future. The possibilities for small, local bu...
Google’ın 174 Web Fontunu İndirin 31 Mar 2011 | 09:57 pm
Yazıya hem gerçek hem de online dünyada çok önem veriyorum. Google’un 174 web fontunu (yazı karakteri) tek kaynakta görünce buraya eklemek istedim. Buyrun, Google’ın web fontlarını indirin, 38.9 MB. ...
Why Every Business Should Use Google Places 17 May 2012 | 06:59 am
Why All Local Businesses Must be on Google Places Similar to the Yellow Pages, Google Places is a business listing service for local businesses who want to reach more customers. Once verified, (whic...
Hotpot: A Great Addition To Google Places 3 Mar 2011 | 02:12 am
Hotpot is an extension of The Google Places. Google Places is the local search database of a lot more than 50 million locations whereby merchants can lay claim their businesses, produce their addresse...
Optimizing for Google Places 30 Oct 2010 | 07:18 am
How to Optimize a Google Places Local Business Listing Google Places, formerly Google Local, is easily the most powerful free marketing tool available to local businesses. Introduced in March 2004, Go...