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婚姻(转载) 27 Feb 2013 | 12:09 pm
一个姑娘和一个汉子成了家,姑娘的口味清淡,汉子无辣不欢。 姑娘常去父母家蹭饭吃。一天,姑娘的父亲做的菜咸了些,母亲一声不响拿来水杯,夹了一筷子菜,将菜在清水里荡一下后再入口。忽然,姑娘从母亲细微的动作里领悟到了什么。 第二天,姑娘在家做了丈夫爱吃的菜。当然,每一个菜里都放辣椒。只是,她的面前多了一杯清水。汉子看着她津津有味的吃着清水里荡过的菜,眼睛里有轻微的湿润。 之后,丈夫也争着做菜。...
什么是工行星级,工行星点数以及刷星的小建议 27 Feb 2013 | 06:51 am
此文为转载 什么是工行星级? 星级是工行按个人客户贡献星级细分为七星级客户、六星级客户、五星级客户、四星级客户、三星级客户、准星级客户共六大类,每类客户的评价标准如下: (1)七星级客户:星点值在80000(含)以上。 (2)六星级客户:星点值10000(含)~80000。 (3)五星级客户:星点值2000(含)~10000。 (4)四星级客户:星点值500(含)~2000。 (5)三星级客户...
More google pr 服务器 ip related news: - utrace - IP-Adressen und Domainnamen lokalisieren 30 May 2012 | 08:34 pm
Traffic Rank: 0 / SEO Rank: 61.90 / Google PR: 5/ Estimated Daily Visits: 0 / Estimated Daily Revenue: $0.00 USD / Estimated Website Worth: $0.00 USD
Strong PR4 and PR5 Travel Links 1 Apr 2009 | 09:48 pm
We have a total of 20 text links available in our PR4 and PR5 Travel Websites. These websites have valid PR, unique IP addresses, inner PR pages, decent Alexa Rank, high PR backlinks and recent Google...
Strong PR5 Education Text Links 20 Mar 2009 | 08:59 pm
We have 5 text links available in our Strong PR5 Education related website. Our website has a valid PR, unique IP address, inner PR pages, decent Alexa Rank, high PR backlinks and recent Google cached...
Surfing As GoogleBot (no more "Free Tours"...) 15 Aug 2007 | 08:28 pm
Yes, GoogleBot has privileges and it is not enough to simply change the User-Agent string to Googlebot. Here are the five factors that are important: 1. Beat IP Delivery: Use Google Translate as a Pr...
Undangan Untuk Webmaster Bikin Backlink Di Blog PR 0 - 4 | SEO 20 Jul 2013 | 06:43 am
Dear para webmaster. Seiring google berganti-ganti hitungan algoritma dan sekarang menganut sistem: - Beda pagerank, - Beda iP... Nah saya mengundang teman-teman webmaster untuk mendaftar sebagai p...