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Guy Kawasaki vem ao Brasil apresentar o Moto X 27 Aug 2013 | 03:51 am
De acordo com um convite enviado a imprensa, Guy Kawasaki, o atual evangelista da Motorola, vem ao Brasil apresentar o novíssimo Motorola Moto X, o primeiro dispositivo construído pela administração d...
Hackers desfiguram página do Google na Palestina 27 Aug 2013 | 01:52 am
A página inicial do Google Palestina, que traz o sistema de pesquisa voltado para aquela região, foi alterada nesta segunda-feira e exibiu, por alguns minutos, uma mensagem política. Apesar do Google...
More google preview related news:
Google Preview Increases Customer Satisfaction 14 Nov 2010 | 07:11 am
Google Launches Google Preview If you have been recently using Google, you probably have noticed a small magnifying glass positioned directly beside the Google SERP Result. This is a BRAND NEW featu...
I believe Google Preview WILL affecting rankings... 16 Dec 2010 | 03:30 am
A good SEO buddy of mine writes me that I better CHECK MY FAVORITE SERPS and see how my sites look in Google Previews... The Goog is "already displaying previews and I have a patent app in my hands th...
Minor update to Wordspinner, now works with YOAST seo plugin titles 6 Jan 2013 | 12:28 pm
Yay! YOAST is pretty good, I like how it shows google previews of your pages. The post Minor update to Wordspinner, now works with YOAST seo plugin ...
Life After Death, by Damien Echols 19 Jan 2013 | 12:19 pm
[ Google Preview ] Author: Damien Echols Publisher: Blue Rider Press Release Date: September 18, 2012 Format: Hardcover; 399 pages Series: N/A Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir, True Crime Avg. Rating: ★★★★...
Minor update to Wordspinner, now works with YOAST seo plugin titles 6 Jan 2013 | 12:28 pm
Yay! YOAST is pretty good, I like how it shows google previews of your pages.
Google mobile app to identify people’s faces 1 Apr 2011 | 01:09 am
You meet someone in the restaurant and want to know his/her personal profile. You don’t even have to ask him. Just take your mobile phone and snap...
Read Google News in a Timeline 24 Mar 2011 | 08:52 pm
Google News is a great place for finding out the happenings around the globe from a variety of sources. But all those news stuff could be somewhat...
Test your knowledge of world geography with Google maps game 22 Mar 2011 | 08:12 pm
Google maps offers a fun feature called “Where in the world” game which lets you test your knowledge of world geography by challenging you to...
IE8以下にもレスポンシブWebデザインを適応する際に注意した事(LESSも使う) 10 May 2012 | 05:24 pm
IE8以下はMedia Queriesに対応していないので、css3-mediaqueries.jsを使ってみる。 なとどして [...]
Quest to own Colin Laird on Google 6 Mar 2011 | 12:53 am
Tweet Open Letter to all Colin Lairds of the World. Hey Colin Laird, Nice name – I hope that it has served you well. Just to let you know, from this day forward, I hereby vow to own my (your name)...