Most google quality rater related news are at:

Is the 1st position in organic results still worth a fortune? 10 Apr 2013 | 11:01 pm
Obtaining 1st position in organic results like Google used to be a perfect way of guaranteeing a large amount of targeted traffic to your web site, well not any more…. With the introduction in the org...
How to find images for your blog posts or site for free 25 Nov 2012 | 08:41 pm
Sourcing images for your next blog post or new piece of content for your web site can be a real challenge at times, the cost of professionally taken photos from sites like istockphoto or Stuttlestock ...
More google quality rater related news:
Google quality rater paid me a visit? 6 Mar 2011 | 11:53 pm
While going through my Google analytics data for one of my domains, I noticed a very strange URL as a referral. It was (no page extension like html, etc). Be...
Google Quality Raters Guidelines Leak 2012 17 Aug 2012 | 06:46 pm
Ich will gar nicht lange um den heissen Brei reden. Seit letzer Woche Freitag liegen mir neue Google Quality Raters Guidelines vor. Da ich frisch in Urlaub bin und irgendwie keine Lust hatte einen Art...
Richtlinien für Google Quality Rater 2013 10 Mar 2013 | 06:44 pm
Wieder mal gibt es eine Richtlinie für Google Qualitätsbewerter. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Versionen wurde dieses Dokument direkt von Google veröffentlicht. Die offizielle Version 1.0 vom 2.November 2...
Google’s Secrets Leaked to the Public 13 Sep 2012 | 09:44 pm
This week, a classified Google document was leaked to the public after a marketer found it online. The 125 page document was titled, 2011 Google Quality Raters Handbook. What is it exactly? Google e...
Google Quality Raters Guidelines juin 2012 (V. 3.27) 5 Sep 2012 | 08:18 pm
Voici la dernière version (3.27) en ligne du fameux guide Google pour les quality raters, cette version date du 22 juin 2012. Cette version ne diffère pas beaucoup de la version 2011. Pour info, j’ai ...
Google Quality Raters: SEO’s End or New Beginning? 9 Jul 2013 | 07:19 am
Are Quality Raters from Google the End of SEO as We Know it? The idea that a manual review of a website or it’s SEO from a subjective human quality rater (working for search engines) can decide which ...
Brands in Social Networks: SEO Hangout 20 Jan 2012 | 07:00 am
Topics discussed in this Hangout SOPA: Outside of US; What is Black Hat and the ability to make the difference; Quality Raters Guidelines and common sense; Local domain raking and differences betw...
Avoid Link Schemes 28 Apr 2011 | 07:23 pm
Click on the link below which mentions the Google quality guide lines. But some are not aware or just take this for granted. W...
Google's leaked quality rater handbook: 7 helpful tips Last month, Google's latest quality rater handbook leaked. The handbook contains ... 16 Jan 2012 | 09:54 am
Google's leaked quality rater handbook: 7 helpful tips Last month, Google's latest quality rater handbook leaked. The handbook contains useful information about how Google rates the quality of a websi...
Optimize Your PPC Campaigns for Success: Part 2 28 Apr 2010 | 02:45 am
In the last post, we looked at methods of acquiring high Google Quality Scores for PPC campaigns, and in this one, we’ll look at developing an acquisition strategy for your Adwords campaigns. The acq...