Most google reader kindle related news are at:

Want the quietest PC? Just get the right chip . . . 23 May 2012 | 08:52 am
I replaced both my home and work desktop PCs during the past year. My previous home system was a noisy, energy hogging, budget 2006 Dell model that was bogged down with useless preloaded software whil...
Where has FilterJoe Has Taken Me? Where Am I Taking FilterJoe? 11 May 2012 | 11:14 am
Signal to noise ratio is engineering jargon. It is also used in everyday speech. The signal is that which is important, interesting and relevant. The noise is everything else. FilterJoe has always be...
More google reader kindle related news:
How to add a Google Buzz share button to your wordpress blog 11 Feb 2010 | 09:09 pm
No doubt we’ll be graced with a plethora of plugins soon, but if you’re keen to add a Google Buzz button to your WordPress blog manually to share content (via Google Reader), here’s how I did it: To ...
Einstieg in den Google Reader 23 Feb 2011 | 10:17 am
Schon länger hat sich der Googlereader bei mir als die zentrale Anlaufstelle meiner RSS-Feeds etabliert. Über die Zeit habe ich nicht nur die Optik an meine Bedürfnisse angepasst, sondern auch einige ...
jQuery plugin : jqPageFlow – scrolling pagination made easy 19 Jan 2009 | 02:12 am
jqPageFlow Simply put, this plugin makes the scrolling pagination found on sites like and Google Reader easy to implement on your site. A working demo is viewable here This is of course a...
Gruml 1.0.1 released 31 Aug 2011 | 09:00 am
Gruml 1.0.1 is released: Changelog: Fixes sync issues with Google Reader Fixes problems switching between 3-column- and bottom-preview-style Fixes some problems with internal browser further bug ...
Gruml 0.9.25 released 15 Apr 2011 | 03:00 am
Gruml 0.9.25 is released: Changelog: Fixed: adaptions to changes in Google Reader API further bug fixes Download: Gruml 0.9.25
Gruml 0.9.23 released 28 Dec 2010 | 01:00 pm
Gruml 0.9.23 is released: Changelog: Improvement: Adaptations to changes in Google Reader protocol Improvement: Better handling of lost connections Fixed: Unread counts not shown while Google Read...
Gruml 0.9.21 released 23 Aug 2010 | 10:15 am
Gruml 0.9.21 is released: Changelog: New: Changed synchronization with Google Reader. Your subscriptions and articles are fetched at first launch. After that initial sync only changes will be loaded...
Gruml 0.9.21: ready for testing 16 Aug 2010 | 09:15 am
Since the last release of Gruml I’ve completely rewritten the backend of Gruml; the local storage of your articles and feeds and the synchronization with Google Reader are performed in a different way...
Mashable: Google Reader будет интегрирован c Google+ 21 Oct 2011 | 10:05 pm
У Google Reader, веб-агрегатора RSS компании, будет новый внешний вид и интеграция с Google+ — на следующей неделе, так что вам хватит времени, чтобы создать специфические Круги с расчетом на ридер. ...
Отложенное чтиво или мой способ read later 8 Apr 2012 | 12:27 am
По роду своей работы каждый день приходится просматривать море информации и новостей, чтобы постоянно быть в курсе. Большая часть информации идет из Google Reader, часть из Google Alerts, и совсем нем...