Most goolge bans adsense only sites related news are at:

DuoSense Log-In issues 16 Sep 2011 | 10:03 pm
We are aware of the log-in issues. This is due to AdSense changing the log-in settings. We are working on a workaround asap.
Rate + Receive free AdSense Review by DuoBlogger 18 Jun 2011 | 02:12 am
We are running a promotion – give our app a good rating and write a nice review and receive a free AdSense review of your website. Drop us a comment on this post with your iTunes name, location and we...
More goolge bans adsense only sites related news:
Why Google hates Traffic Exchanges? 31 May 2011 | 09:28 am
Many bloggers have been in panic over the last few months, since Google has been involved in a huge clampdown – banning AdSense on sites that have been part of traffic exchanges. At the outset, traffi...
Profit Adsense Arbitrage: Model For Arbitrage Success 8 Sep 2010 | 05:06 am
Is Adsense Arbitrage Being Banned? The echo comes full circle and all of a sudden what you hear is: Google is banning all Adsense Arbitrage sites and the SERPs will finally be free of those despicabl...
Adsense Quality Rating 19 Aug 2011 | 01:42 pm
Got one of my sites banned, first Adsense not showing, then deindexed. It was responsible for only about 10% of my total Adsense revenue. No other sites got any penalty. From that day on, my Adsense ...
Google introduces new ad format to avoid accidental clicks 7 Apr 2009 | 06:49 pm
Getting banned from adsense account has been a nightmare for any webmaster that monetizes his site through adsense. Horror stories galore about how a publisher was banned by adsense for “no fault of h...
Steps to earn money from Google Adsense program 11 Feb 2012 | 03:27 am
Steps to earn money from Google Adsense program 1. Obtain and Activate Google Adsense Account for your web site. Obtaining the Goolge Adsense Account for your website is the first step towards earnin...
I’ve been banned from Google Adsense 2 Sep 2012 | 01:19 pm
Usually i don’t want to write a post for something like this, but because this site is powered by Adsense to pay for its monthly bills since 2006 and i just got banned by Adsense, i’ve decided that pe...
Any Websites That Have Good Traffic, Even The Ones Banned From Adsense 27 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
Hi, PM me with all your offers, we will start negotiating there. Your sites must be legal and that it does not promote Offensive, Gambling, Porn (Even questionable sexy pictures) content