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Oklahoma Woman Finds Dog Buried Alive After Tornado During Interview 22 May 2013 | 12:15 am
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Beautiful Footage of People Doing Good Things, Caught on Dash Cam in Russia 16 May 2013 | 02:33 am
This video is streaming from a third-party website. Please note, gmc does not control the contents, recommended videos, or links that appear on this player. gmc TV does not own this video nor claims t...
More gospel music related news:
Gospel music artist Marvin Sapp loses wife to colon cancer 10 Sep 2010 | 09:06 am
Gospel music artist Marvin Sapp has lost his wife and best friend, MaLinda Sapp to colon cancer. Marvin and MaLinda had been married for 15 years and have three children. Marvin and his church, Lighth...
Enjoy free gospel music LIVE on caribbean's gospel radio. From reggae gospel, soca to calypso gospel music as featured on Briens caribbean radio. 29 Jan 2012 | 11:01 am
Caribbean Gospel Radio is a 24 hour Internet Gospel radio started out of the need to provide quality gospel programming on the Internet. 2 Vote(s)
Nigerian Gospel Radio (LIVE), offering the best of Nigerian Gospel music 24/7 29 Jan 2012 | 10:28 am
Nigerian Gospel Radio is a 24/7 online gospel radio that offers the latest information, home news, excerpts from the Holy Bible, and contemporary gos 2 Vote(s)
Workshop 2011 11 Jul 2011 | 01:20 am
Gospel Music Workshop 2011 Auch in diesem Jahr findet vom 13. bis zum 16. Oktober wieder der bekannte und erfolgreiche Gospel Music Workshop der Friedenskirche - Baptisten mitten in Köln statt. Viele...
Gospel Music Café 10 Sep 2011 | 06:56 am
Gospel Music Café: cantores, músicos, bandas, notícias, mp3, vídeos, cifras, eventos, festivais, entrevistas, audio, seminários, workshop.
Ministry or Entertainment? 30 Jan 2009 | 05:20 pm
Good evening, all! Tonight's post won't be that long, but it is on a subject that should make us think a little bit. There's a debate in the Gospel music community about whether some artists have go...
Lesson: 30-minute Tutorial On Gospel Patterns (Taken From GMTC’s “Foundations” Section) 18 Feb 2012 | 07:47 pm
This is part of the 9-hour FOUNDATIONS training in the Gospel Music Training Center, which features 25 separate lessons with quizzes (over 250 questions combined) at the end of each to make sure you’v...
Testemunho do Thalles Roberto 31 Jan 2012 | 02:00 am
Há semanas que não posto nada aqui, hoje venho postar o testemunho do Thalles Roberto, que sem dúvida alguma é o grande nome do meio gospel musical hoje. O testemunho dele é fantástico, recomendo você...
This summer the joyous sounds of Gospel music won't just be heard on Sundays, but every Wednesday and Friday for 10 solid weeks starting Wednesday, June 30, and Friday, July 2nd, 2010, from 12 no...
Atlanta Based Urban Gospel Artist Delra Harris Releases Keep The Faith 16 Sep 2010 | 03:01 pm
Atlanta, GA -- Atlanta based Urban Gospel recording artist, Delra Harris is poised to take the gospel music community by storm with his brand new CD release, “Keep the Faith”. The CD which consists of...