Most grass root medical reform related news are at:

The Economist Speaks on Consumer Created Health 26 Mar 2008 | 11:13 am
It looks like the argument that consumer created health is "Unsafe" isn't holding water with patients, or less stodgy doctors. Indeed, according to the Economist, mistakes posted online are typically ...
Three Great Blogs on Consumer Health 18 Mar 2008 | 11:12 am
Here are three great places to go if you want to hear the future of patient-empowerment. Clearly, accountability for the AMA, pharmaceutical companies, and individual Dr.'s is on its way. With the ris...
More grass root medical reform related news:
participate western plan professional restrictions? 10 Sep 2012 | 06:24 pm
Western plan to support education, support medical, agriculture, grass-roots youth work, Bilingual teaching, the National party members and cadres in rural areas of modern distance education (referred...
Reformation Roots- Getting in Geneva 11 Jul 2008 | 07:25 am
After our beautiful journey to western Switzerland through countless lakes and grass hills, we arrived in Geneva. Once we arrived, I was already more put out of my comfort zone that when we had been i...