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Tausch statt Kaufrausch 27 Aug 2013 | 05:43 pm
Bei Green City e.V. kann Jede und Jeder dem Konsumwahn entgegentreten. Alte, aber gut erhaltene Kleidungsstücke müsse einem selbst nicht mehr, können aber anderen gefallen. Wir laden Euch herzlich zur...
Sigi Sommer Spaziergang: Wir sind das Fußvolk! 27 Aug 2013 | 04:31 pm
Wer kennt ihn nicht, den berühmtesten Flaneur der Stadt? Unter dem Motto „Wir sind das Fußvolk!“ veranstaltet das Netzwerk Slowmotion am 11. September den Sigi Sommer Spaziergang. Wir starten um 18:00...
More green city energy gmbh related news:
Sustainability Award 2011 6 May 2011 | 01:38 am
Die Expertenjury des 7. Sustainability Congress in Bonn hat Green City Energy zum "Nachhaltigsten Unternehmen 2011" gekürt. Am 3. Mai 2011 überreichte Jörg Weber, Chefredakteur von ECOreporter, den Pr...
Siemens und Wien Energie starten europaweit einzigartiges Forschungsprojekt 3 Jul 2013 | 04:01 pm
Wien, 03.07.2013 | Mit 1. Oktober 2013 nimmt die Forschungsgesellschaft „Aspern Smart City Research GmbH & Co KG“ ihre Arbeit auf. In den kommenden fünf Jahren wird die in Mehrheitsbesitz von Siemens ...
Rio de Janeiro – the spectacular green side of a metropolis 30 Apr 2012 | 09:02 pm
Green architecture is reaching out for newer and bolder innovations. They will soon change the landscape of cities. These green buildings are designed keeping in mind their energy consumptions, sustai...
Saskatchewan Cathedral Sets the Pace for Green Energy 15 May 2012 | 01:35 am
Excerpt from an article in Metro News: Saskatoon, one of the sunniest cities in Canada, has become the site of the world’s first cathedral to use solar-powered stained glass technology. Located on At...
City of San Jose and U.S. Department of Energy Introduce Green Vision Clean Energy Showcase 10 Dec 2010 | 08:17 am
The City of San José and the U.S. Department of Energy announced today the opening of the San José Green Vision Clean Energy Showcase, an interactive new innovation center housing installations of cut...
First U.S. Tidal Power Project Launches in Maine 24 Jul 2012 | 10:01 pm
Nathanael Greene, Director of Renewable Energy Policy, New York City The ocean is a tremendous bank of energy. Covering more than two-thirds of our planet, the amount of energy embodied in the ocean’...
Install Solar Panels In Wells – The Little City Moving With The Times 8 Sep 2012 | 08:00 pm
Wells is a community embracing renewable energy. This is by putting in the newest solar panels to generate clean solar power. PV Solar UK is the green energy company with branches across the United Ki...
Multi-function of LED lighting 6 Mar 2013 | 01:36 pm
LED lighting has God sent opportunity. Recently, many cities see heavy fog. This regained our attention toward natural environment. Energy saving, environmental protection, and green can not just be a...
ESA Renewables Commissions City of Orlando Rooftop Solar Installation 7 Mar 2013 | 09:03 pm
Collaboration opens the door to green business opportunities, sustainable energy generation and job creation in Orlando, Florida. Lake Mary, FL -March 7, 2013–ESA Renewables, an industry leader in pro...
Don’t jeopardise the future of Miri — Chin 19 Apr 2013 | 11:48 am
MIRI: Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Peter Chin reminded Mirians not to jeopardise the future of their city and the benefits they are currently enjoying. They... Read more »