Most greenville scottish festival bands related news are at:

Fresh look for The Force 5 Mar 2013 | 06:56 am
A new web look with new energy. It was time to update the site and we hope you like the new look. We took this opportunity to also update and refocus some of our existing projects to be better suited...
Scottish Singer performs at River House! 8 Nov 2011 | 02:35 am
His voice has been described by Dirty Linen magazine as “one of those pure warm Scottish voices one never tires of listening to”. He was the 2004 Scots Trad Music Awards Songwriter of the Year and a 2...
More greenville scottish festival bands related news:
Das LINE UP 2013 wächst weiter 12 Apr 2013 | 02:06 pm
Liebe Freunde des Greenville Festivals, nach einer längeren Ankündigungspause wird heute noch einmal nachgelegt im Line-Up des Greenville Festivals. Mit dabei sind 10 Bands, die sich in gewohnter Gree...
Line-Up komplett // Geländepläne // Ticket Bundles 30 Apr 2013 | 02:58 pm
Liebe Freunde des Greenville Festivals, heute kündigen wir noch einmal fünf Bands an, die somit das Line-Up des Greenville Festivals vervollständigen. An erster Stelle ist eine Band zu nennen, um die ...
Pictures of Rewind Festival 2012 in Perth 21 Aug 2012 | 01:57 am
Many thanks to the band's official photographer, David Hosie, who made the trip back to his Scottish homeland and take these photos. You can see the gallery here.
When Newcastle West hosted the Ten Knights of Desmond festival 25 Aug 2013 | 04:23 pm
Scottish knights, glamerous grannies and an overworked Garda band – for one week in the summer of ‘78, there wasn’t much going on in Newcastle West that failed to draw a smile. The Ten Knights of Des...