Most grotesque related news are at:

Anmeldelse af Korsveje DVD film (2012) 26 Sep 2012 | 09:42 pm
Intro: Instruktøren Daniel Bødker Sørensen har netop færdiggjort sin nyeste gyser-kortfilm “Korsveje”. Filmen er 26 min lang og består af 3 små skæbnefortællinger. Filmen kan købes på dvd i udvalgte ...
Vind billetter til Hayao Miyazakis Laputa – Slottet i Himlen [konkurrencen er slut] 25 Jun 2012 | 11:24 pm udlover i samarbejde med 3 x 2 biografbilletter til Hayao Miyazakis seneste film Laputa – Slottet i Himlen. Du skal bare svare på disse 2 spørgsmål… Hvilken film gav Hayao...
More grotesque related news:
8+ 13 Jun 2008 | 06:02 am
"The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" by Of Montreal which clocks in at 11:53 Rome: 1992. We met in the garden. Among daisies and lillies and bumble bees and fountains made of sculptures of adorable fat l...
Taxidermia (2006) 29 Mar 2012 | 08:43 am
Gyorgy Palfi’s grotesque tale of three generations of men, including an obese speed eater, an embalmer of gigantic cats, and a man who shoots fire out of his penis.
The Guardian 29 Dec 2011 | 03:42 pm
Do you know what it's like to see one of your charges murdered? Yes, you can try to imagine, but really, it's not possible. I know. I've seen. I could see the grotesque plans forming in his mind as...
Fraction de Shintaro Kago 9 Apr 2012 | 09:37 pm
Shintaro Kago est un artiste réputé pour son travail de type EroGuro (Erotique grotesque). Pourtant, avec « Fraction » il change de registre et part dans le thriller policier un peu gore. Est-il réell...
Reader Mail: We’re Utterly Disturbing. 10 Jul 2006 | 04:14 am
Dawn writes: Is this a joke? This has to be a joke!! This is one of the most inhumane, grotesque and utterly disturbing things I have seen the human race do to a defenseless living being in the name o...
Status Maine LD 1853, Pit Mining and The Political Strangeness of Maine Government 14 Apr 2012 | 12:00 pm
One would not need to probe too deeply to know my mining prejudices. I am of the belief that pit mining is undoubtedly the most grotesque indignity to earth known to humanity. Perpetuated, by those in...
Laugh? I Almost Died – in a Suicide Bombing. 6 Apr 2012 | 08:32 am
The grotesquely unfunny show Little Mosque on the Prairie has just come to an end. The episode where they hang the local gay man, forcibly circumcise their young daughter, and then murder her teenage ...
Khristenn Corpse - Grotesque 24 Feb 2012 | 09:36 pm
Band name: Khristenn Coprse Genre: Black Metal / Melodic Porn Location: Venezuella Tracklist Download
Satanicpornocultshop 3 Aug 2010 | 06:20 pm
Electronica surréaliste et bricolage grotesque mâtiné d’une insolente perversité. “Satanicpornocultshop est à mille lieues d’un groupe de rock. C’est plutôt une collection d’univers disparates et pas ...
Barbarity - Grotesque Contradiction [2008] 25 Dec 2008 | 04:55 am
01. Porky Gore Blues 02. Grotesque Contradiction 03. World Vomitorium 04. Derogatory 05. Leprosical Disfunction 06. Grotesque Deformities (Gut Cover) 07. Graveyard Whore 08. Splatter Dance 09. Maligna...