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CD「V.A. / ELECTRONIC HIGH 」 26 Aug 2013 | 04:42 pm
2000年夏、富士山麗にて伝説的レイブを成功させたオーガナイザー「SOLSTICE」が、同年レーベルとしてスタート。その第一弾として制作された記念すべきコンピレーションです。 ELECTRIC TEASE の「LET'S ROCK」や、EAT STATICの「HOLY WAR」のほか、SYNTHETIC 、ETNICA、KOX BOX など豪華アーティストの名曲がずらり。 パワーでは現在のフル...
CD「HALLUCINOGEN / IN DUB」Remixed by OTT 26 Aug 2013 | 04:37 pm
HALLUCINOGENの名曲をOTTがダブリミックスしたアルバム。名盤です。 トラック: 01.Mi-Loony-Um(A Floating Butterfly Stings Like A Bee Mix) 02.Solstice(Warwick Bassmonky Mix) 03.Gamma Goblins(Its Turtles All The Way Down Mix) 04.S...
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SUN PRODUCTION со особено задоволство ја најавува G M S – Growling Mad Scientists во Скопје 4 Mar 2013 | 06:56 pm
SUN PRODUCTION со особено задоволство ја најавува втората епизода од мисијата „ДА ГО ВРАТИМЕ УРБАНИОТ ПУЛС НА СКОПЈЕ“ Пионерите кои ги срушија рекордите на слушаност и настапи во историјата на психоде...
Transform Yourself into a Weight Loss Mad Scientist! 21 Mar 2012 | 07:56 am
I’ve decided to write this nice article for our readers so that they can have a strategic approach to eating to maximize their performance in the gym. This article will also show you how to turn any p...
Dark Mech Dozer ! 5 May 2012 | 08:18 am
Dark Mech Dozer is now available at the Monster Shop! Created by the mad scientist Hubert in the city of Verdane. Twitterers 12 Feb 2009 | 10:05 am
I thought that since I’ve found Twitter such a valuable tool, I would put together a quick list of some of the Twitterers in the Processing world that I am following. Memo Akten Bio: mad scientist ...
Random Links of Doom 20 Feb 2010 | 08:11 pm
-Fun list of the Top 10 Movie Mad Scientists of All Time. Although I am sad Dr. Herbert West played by Jeffrey Combs wasn't included, I am glad Brundlefly & Dr. Mabuse made it in there. -Some great G... 1 May 2011 | 01:46 pm
O.k. - so life is much different now. I am home alone tonight, my boys are with the mad scientist, at his house. I worked all day and I am tired. HOWEVER..................................... I am le...
Diary of a Mad (Scientist) Artist 31 May 2011 | 02:11 pm
I've been experimenting! Muwahahaha LOL! I haven't been working much with clay lately. I did finish a couple of things that I will share with you here. One is a book that I lovingly call Cosmic C....
Google begins plans for replacing life-on-Earth… 2 Jan 2008 | 02:43 pm
Deep in an underground bunker, mad scientist geeks are working night and afternoon (real geeks are like vampires, alergic to sunlight) on the next google launch … ANDROIDS This week the big-G regist...
Micro-Architecture 5 Apr 2012 | 09:30 am
Derek "Deek" Diedricksen: Micro-Architect & Tiny House "Mad Scientist" from TINY on Vimeo.
Build Your Greenhouse Out of Recycled Materials 16 Feb 2010 | 03:45 pm
By: Bill Rowe Monday 9:55pm Nowadays most everyone has come to the realization that global warming and greenhouse gas effect are not merely figments of some mad scientist’s imagination. We humans ar...