Most gsc related news are at:

ねんどろいどぷち マクロスヒロイン 27 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
歴代のヒロインが大集合! “マクロス30thアニバーサリー”を記念して、歴代の「マクロスヒロイン」たちがちっちゃかわいい系トレーディング可動フィギュア「ねんどろいどぷち」に登場です!「リン・ミンメイ」「シャロン・アップル」「ミレーヌ・ジーナス」「サラ・ノーム」「ランカ・リー」「シェリル・ノーム」の6人がそれぞれの衣装で大集合!シークレットも1種ご用意しま...
うーさーメタルストラップ A・B 27 Aug 2013 | 07:59 am
セリフ付きメタルストラップが登場! TVアニメ『うーさーのその日暮らし』より、うーさーのセリフ付きメタルストラップが2種類登場です。
More gsc related news:
Mercedes-Benz M-Class reached by the hands of the GSC 30 May 2012 | 02:35 am
After many of the models which he modified, the rate of development of the car touches the Mercedes-Benz category M, and received the new model package Typhoon (Hurricane) that gave the car look great...
Vývoj Stalker 2 skončil, vše nahrazuje Survarium 26 Apr 2012 | 04:52 pm
Update: Tvůrci Stalkera přes Twitter prohlásili, že Bethesda práva na značku nevlastní (což je skvělá zpráva). Práva stále patří zakladateli studia GSC , Sergii Grygorovychovi. Zároveň však vývojáři ...
Stalker 2 v roce 2012 nejspíš nevyjde 24 Jan 2012 | 02:13 pm
Ačkoliv jsou plány kolem vydání hry Stalker 2 zatím stanoveny na rok 2012. Mnohé aktuální informace tento fakt popírají. Pokud jste si totiž všimli, společnost GSC Game World začala masivně updatovat ...
Stalker 2 aneb, lov ještě neskončil 30 Dec 2011 | 11:49 am
Mnoho z vás jistě zaregistrovalo, že studio GSC Game World zhruba před třemi týdny ohlásilo konec a zároveň potvrdilo zrušení projektu Stalker 2. Podle všeho měl vývojářský tým finanční problémy a na ...
Golden Screen Cinema 4 Nov 2009 | 03:18 pm
Golden Screen Cinemas Sdn Bhd (GSC) is major cinema exhibitor and distributor in Malaysia. GSC currently operating as much as 161 screening at 23 locations nationwide including Klang Valley, Sungai Pe...
Pisau Cukur 12 Nov 2009 | 05:04 pm
Hi's bin quite a while..anyway, last nite I watched PISAU CUKUR or a.k.a. GOLD DIGGER at GSC. Well, loved d-movie n it's highly recommended. If u like more than 5 out of 10 things below, th...
Tutorial : GSC iPhone App using Maybank2u (Detail instructions on how to use it) 5 Jun 2011 | 12:12 am
Hello hi, If u are like me , pemalas ,movie-buff, cranky , tak suka buang masa ,like to go cinema but hate the long queue to buy the ticket, owned an iphone and have an unhealthy behavior of downloadi...
UPIN & IPIN @ GSC Times Square 20 Feb 2009 | 09:27 pm
yeahh...yeahh..ari ni nk bwk sofea pg tgk movie !! alahh citer Upin & Ipin ! Ermm..ingt nk p TGV KLCC, then ank laki aku bgn lambat !!! geram tuL ! Planning nya nk tgk show pukul 11..tup2 de...
Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Snow White and The Huntsman 17 May 2012 | 10:23 pm
Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Snow White and The Huntsman Mirror, mirror on the wall… Who’s the fairest of them all? You’ll find the answer in a GSC hall; all you have to do is answer our call. Hell...
A nightmare on Elm Street Review 17 May 2010 | 08:35 pm
last tuesday, michael invited me to watch a premier movie in GSC Mid Valley. i didnt know what movie we were watching until we reached the ticket collection booth. lol. the movie that we watched is a...