Most gsm modem related news are at:

Mobile Operator MMSC APN & Settings (Updated) 21 Apr 2013 | 04:30 pm
The Now SMS & MMS Gateway can use a GSM/GPRS or 3G/UMTS/WCDMA modem to send and receive MMS messages via an operator MMSC. In this type of configuration, there is no special setup requirement required...
WAP Push Work-Around for AT&T USA 12 Apr 2013 | 07:47 pm
Some of our customers have been frustrated by an AT&T policy that blocks the sending of mobile originated WAP Push messages. This prevents WAP Push messages from being sent over a GSM modem. This bl...
More gsm modem related news:
Sending SMS in C#.NET using GSM modem and Attention (AT) commands 15 Mar 2010 | 07:43 pm
Download Project Here Hi everybody, its been a while that i have posted an article in code globe. This is my first article since code globe has moved to a website. Now lets get into our business. Let...
Cara Menguji Modem GSM Wavecom Fastrack dengan Hyperterminal 12 Jan 2012 | 09:20 am
Kali ini saya akan menggunakan modem GSM Wavecom Fastrack Tipe Serial M1306B. Pastikan bahwa kartu SIM terpasang di GSM modem. Saat terhubung dengan jaringan indikator LED disamping slot SIM akan beru...
برنامج الرسائل القصيرة 23 Dec 2011 | 06:02 pm
يقوم البرنامج بإرسال وإستقبال الرسائل القصيرة (SMS) عبر مودم خاص (GSM Modem) يتم تركيبه بجهاز الكمبيوتر وتركيب شريحة إتصال (SIM Card) من شركة ليبيانا أو المدار، حيث يتم تخزين قائمة بالأشخاص المراد ا...
Price list GSM Modem USB and CDMA Modem USB 14 Sep 2011 | 04:06 pm
Update for Price GSM Modem USB and CDMA Modem USB on September, 2011 in Indonesia market sales based on magazine and market review by Team. Pricing GSM modem and Price CDMA Modem USB...
Unik dialog via Extended Numbers 7 Jun 2012 | 05:33 pm
Med et Extended Number er man uafhængig af Hosted GSM modem da nummeret er hosted direkte på en SMSC. Det gør at hastigheden for modtagelse er høj og at man har mulighed for et anonymt nummer, hvor mo...
Laser Security System Sms 11 Sep 2012 | 01:59 pm
(Download)Home security system with auto dialing (missed call or sms alert using gsm modem) of a can based digital driving system for a vehicle. complete home automation using can protocol. gsm and gp...
Issue Receiving MMS over GSM Modem on Orange UK 3 Jan 2013 | 02:12 am
We’d like to draw some attention to an issue that was reported (and quickly diagnosed) on our discussion forum last month. A customer reported that they were no longer able to process received MMS mes...
WAP Push Work-Around for AT&T USA 12 Apr 2013 | 07:47 pm
Some of our customers have been frustrated by an AT&T policy that blocks the sending of mobile originated WAP Push messages. This prevents WAP Push messages from being sent over a GSM modem. This bl...
فروش انواع مودم جی اس ام 2 Mar 2013 | 10:01 pm
* انواع بهترین مارکهای GSM Modem با گارانتی معتبر شرکتی موجود: - ویوکام ((Wavecom - بنکیو(BENQ) - تاتونگ ( (Tatung - فرگو مایستر۱۰۰Fargo-Maester 100) ) -SIMcom -زیمنس ((Simence -Fixed Wireless Termina...
GSM Notice Board 20 May 2013 | 12:38 pm
This project is a simple GSM Based project where 20x4 LCD is used as display for Notice board and GSM modem is used for receiving and sending SMS.