Most gtk clutter related news are at:

New Clutter-GTK releases 18 Oct 2012 | 03:30 am
good news, everyone! I just released two tarballs of the Clutter-GTK integration library: Clutter-GTK 1.2.2 The last release in the old stable 1.2 series, with a set of fixes backported from the maste...
Weekly Updates for 2012-10-14 14 Oct 2012 | 04:49 pm
moving day! the new mailing list for the Clutter project is now hosted on # if you were subscribed on you should already be subscribed ...
More gtk clutter related news:
One Song, Many Voices 9 May 2011 | 11:30 pm
Funny thing. My job’s always been to look out for the outlier, tag the typo, discern the difference, and find the flaw. To sift for clues, kill the clutter, focus the lens, get to the point, and mak...
(2012-01-15修复U盘引导)280+MB的Macis Puppy Linux 536 21 Aug 2011 | 10:41 pm
系统组件版本 Glibc:2.13.0-20 ; Binutils:2.21 ; GCC:4.5.3 ; GTK+:2.24.4 ; Glib:2.28.7 ; GDB: 7.3 ; Python:2.7.2 ; 主要特性: 系统组件全面更新,SFS采用xz算法压缩,更小的体积! Linux Kernel 3.0.8 (使用无线电子的源码,重新编译) Firefox升级到最新的9.0.1...
(2011-05-25)120M的Wary Puppy 5.1.2 发布 25 May 2011 | 10:09 pm
名称:Wary Puppy 版本:512 大小:120M|105M 发布时间:2011-05-25 内核版本:2.6.32|| xorg版本:7.3; xorg-server:1.3.0 gcc版本:4.3.4; gtk+版本:2.20.1; glib版本:2.24.2; glibc版本:2.10.1 下载地址1,下载地址2,下载地址3,英文介绍,...
(2011-04-02)128MB的Lucid Puppy 5.2.5发布 3 Apr 2011 | 01:15 am
名称:Lucid Puppy 版本:525 大小:128MB 发布时间:2011-04-02 基于:ubuntu natty-11.04 + lastest woof 内核版本: xorg版本:7.5;xorg-server:1.7.6 gcc版本:4.4.3 ;glib版本:2.24.0 glibc版本:2.11.1;gtk+版本:2.20.0 下载地址1,下载...
Equinox GTK Engine v1.30.2 27 Feb 2011 | 10:20 am
Description: A heavily modified version of the beautiful Aurora engine (1.4). The file below contains both engine and themes (GTK and Metacity) in two separate archives. Engine installation First of ...
Build Fences on Your Desktop [Video] 10 Jan 2011 | 05:00 pm
Today I want to show you a cool little app that a friend send me. If you use your desktop a lot like me it can easily happen that he gets pretty cluttered. If you have the same problem, I know you...
Noble, patriotic, wacky 31 Mar 2010 | 11:28 pm
“What a great picture,” said a woman in my office yesterday as she gestured towards my desk. “Which one?” I asked, as there are quite a few cluttering up the place. “That one?” I asked as I pointed ...
The Internet Marketing Weekly Wrapup – March 11, 2012 12 Mar 2012 | 04:16 pm
Welcome to the most ruthless weekly summary of internet marketing, anywhere. Removing the clutter so you can focus on what actually matters, and act on it. ADVERTISING How to Choose a Retargeting V...
How Pinteresting… 26 Jan 2012 | 10:47 am
It’s a tough world out there; tough to get a job, tough to find a nice date (well, for me anyways…) and especially tough for marketers and advertisers to break through the thick clutter of the ad worl...
How Can I Clean My PC for Free? 23 Aug 2011 | 11:42 pm
A clean personal computer is definitely an awesome computer. A clean PC means it’s free from dirt, and by dirt we don’t mean dust particles, but we mean software clutter, malware, congested computer m...