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Merry Christmas: Website Suspended Update Notification To Our Readers 18 Dec 2012 | 06:17 pm
Dear Expreview readers, It’s regretful to tell you that we will suspend our website update from December, 2012 due to some compelling reasons. We are going to conduct various works in our site revisio...
AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta 11 Driver Available 4 Dec 2012 | 06:53 pm
AMD recently released its Catalyst 12.11 Beta 11 driver, which features performance improvement in Far Cry 3. Some new features of Catalyst 12.11 Beta 11 driver •Improves performance in Far Cry 3 (up ...
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Review VGA EAGLE GTS 450, GTX 460, GTX 560Ti dan GTX 570 29 Apr 2011 | 02:53 pm
Produsen Kartu Grafis EAGLE telah merilis VGA 400&500 Series terbaru, Dimana memiliki tampilan yang Dinamis dan Elegan, VGA ini pun semua sudah mendukung Teknologi SLI, Sebagaimana VGA Geforce terbaru...
Zotac leads way with quadruple display capability on GTX 460! 27 Sep 2010 | 03:06 am
Eyefinity technology has been leading the way for multiple displays for a while and to use more than 2 displays on the new Nvidia GPUs required a multi-card setup, Multi Vision capable. Well step in Z...
Zotac announce GTX 460 Amp! 19 Aug 2010 | 05:39 am
HONG KONG – Aug. 17, 2010 – ZOTAC® International, a leading innovator and the world’s largest channel manufacturer of graphics cards, mini-PCs and small form factor platforms, today amplifies the awar...
telecharger Prototype 2 Black Box jeux pc torrent 4 Aug 2012 | 12:49 pm
telecharger Prototype 2 Black Box jeux pc torrent System Requirements CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.7 GHz or better, AMD Phenom II X4 3 GHz or better RAM: 4 GB VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (1GB) or better, ...
Informatique/Peripheriques Hardware : Cherch hd6850 5850 gtx460 560 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
(#426690) je cherche l une de ses cartes graphique hd 6850 5850 6870 gtx 460 gtx 560 ...
关于 BitCoin 7 Apr 2013 | 09:53 pm
细数了一下,从知道 BTC 到现在也快两年了。从 4 美刀到 34 刀,再到 3 刀,再到今天的 154刀,可谓大起大落都见过了。 最早让我下定决心挖矿的,是看到有个 VPS 服务商接受 BTC 支付,让我确认这玩意至少不是一文不值,就拿手头新买不到半年的 GeForce GTX 460 挖了一晚上,矿场真的分了我大概 0.几 BTC,我用 VPS 价格(而非美元价格)折算了一下,比电费多,于是...
SWOTOR Nvidia crash 20 Nov 2012 | 08:29 pm
All of sudden, the game Star Wars: The Old Republic is crashing my Nvidia drivers. I have a GeForce GTX 460. Oddly, I played the game for months without any issues, but since the last update, it crash...
【比較】GTX TITAN搭載モデルはどんな感じ?(¥202650~¥702080)7P/W8/8P,Core i7 3770/3770K/3820/3970X,8G/16G/32G,SSD256G,HDD1T/2T/3T,GTX TITAN/【SLI】GTX TITAN(x2/x3),DVD/Bl... 3 May 2013 | 03:44 am
本日は新たに登場したシングルGPU搭載グラフィックカードの最高峰「NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN」搭載モデルを取り上げたいと思います。 シングルGPUにて文句なしの頂点に君臨するグラフィックカードです … Continue reading →
Nvidia Geforce GTX 460 1GB Card 6 Sep 2012 | 04:33 pm
The Geforce GTX 460 is an amazing graphics card that any gamer would want to have. There has been no monster super card in Nvidia since the 8800 GT card but the GTX 460 changed that. Super cards in my...
Zotac announce GTX 460 Amp! 18 Aug 2010 | 10:39 pm
HONG KONG – Aug. 17, 2010 – ZOTAC® International, a leading innovator and the world’s largest channel manufacturer of graphics cards, mini-PCs and small form factor platforms, today amplifies the awar...