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More guerilla related news:
Announcing the launch of Silverback, the new ‘guerilla’ usability testing software from Clearleft. 31 May 2008 | 05:30 am
We’re delighted to announce the launch of Silverback, the new ‘guerilla’ usability testing software from Clearleft. Download your free copy at Registration after the 30 day trial p...
App Guerilla Marketing Tactics: Dry Clean Only iPhone App 13 May 2010 | 02:31 pm
How do you Market your App Store Screen Shots? App Guerilla Marketing Tactics…… Few Steps: 1. Image is everything. So pack your Screen Shots with eye catching images and text… iTunes App Store giv...
O/C I7 950 sur une guerilla 22 Apr 2012 | 11:33 am
salut à tous, j'ai une nouvelle config depuis 3 mois environ et je veux boosté mon proc, mais étant novice dans ce domaine, je fais appel à vous. Avant de commencer, je vous passe ma config pour une p...
Guerilla kunst; kunst als breekijzer 31 Mar 2007 | 08:47 am
Vanavond staat een zeer interessant artikel in de NRC over Jonas Staal, die als een artistieke actie tegen Wildersx92 populisme de koran heeft verscheurd op het binnenhof (p.23) De doelstelling van J...
Leech Marketing Labeled as “Creative” and “Guerilla” 1 Sep 2008 | 06:54 am
Leech marketing has been an issue for event marketers forever. There’s a serious perception problem out there because posts like this that tout that “You, too, can get edge on the cheap” are completel...
Crossing The Rubicon 13 Sep 2011 | 09:49 pm
"Definitely Deaf" (Guerilla Asso / Musical Bridge) Ces dernières années, le groupe parisien aura souvent été comparé à The Bronx ou Akimbo, des groupes avec qui, il est vrai, il partageait bon nombre ...
No End in Sight 25 Feb 2012 | 12:23 am
The first film of its kind to chronicle the reasons behind Iraq’s descent into guerilla war, warlord rule, criminality and anarchy, “No End In Sight” is a jaw-dropping, insider’s tale of wholesale inc...
Guerilla Social Media Marketing 28 Mar 2011 | 01:06 am
Image by Infusionsoft via Flickr I’ve been a big fan of Jay Conrad Levinson’s books for the last number of years. His “guerilla marketing” handbook and the series of books that it spawned, are well w...
Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Order 25 Dec 2011 | 05:23 am
Red Faction: Armageddon continua povestea din titlul precedent al seriei, actiunea având loc dupa 50 de ani de la evenimentele din Red Faction: Guerilla. Locuitorii Planetei Rosii sunt nevoiti sa se r...
Guerilla Marketing Can Sell Your House FAST! 9 Jan 2012 | 06:25 pm
Willing Buyer + Willing Seller = Fast Home Sale. Sorry for the math problem so early in the year. If you are trying to sell your house, then it seems pretty simple. You are a willing seller, right? B...