Most gulf stream temp related news are at:

Impulse on the Move: Not on the move yet 27 Aug 2013 | 04:29 pm
In the process of getting things ready. Don't wander to much this days, there will be time for that later. At this point there are things to be done. We even made our on little sweat shop. Mary sewing...
Pacific Adventure: Day 4 27 Aug 2013 | 03:41 pm
Had another good run with 192 miles in 24 hours, wind between 15 and 18 knots from the NNE.
More gulf stream temp related news:
Gulf Stream Travel Trailers 1 Apr 2012 | 04:09 pm
When you plan to execute a long voyage with the whole close relatives, it is important for you to own a automobile which is classified under the form of RV movie trailer. Most of the movie trailer out...
Windward Caribbean 27 Oct 2011 | 06:59 am
So you have crossed the Gulf Stream and are now in the Bahamas. See previous article Crossing the Gulf Stream. If you plan on cruising the Bahamas and going back north at the end of the season you h...
Crossing the Gulf Stream 12 Oct 2011 | 12:43 am
Before long lots of cruisers will be congregating in south Florida for the annual migration to the Bahamas. It is not very far (50 to 100 miles or so depending on where you cross from and where you m...
GulfStream jets 18 Dec 2009 | 06:26 am
Why GulfStream planes ? After first review of Gulfstream 550 jet, and some comments, decided to give you more information about Gulf Stream jet company, since their jets are really amazing. In segmen... 22 May 2006 | 12:52 am
May 21: The big warm core ring near 69.5W continues to be shaved off by the Gulf Stream meander, further reducing its size to that of a normal ring. That small warm eddy at the shelf break near 72.W w...
The Scream 20 May 2006 | 11:38 am
May 18: An artists rendition of the Gulf Stream. The big eddy continues to be trimmed back in size. But whats that little red spot at 72W, 39.5N thats spinning in the clockwise direction? Its pulling ...
The Shelf-Slope Jet Takes Over 10 May 2006 | 01:59 pm
May 5: The Great Warm Ring still extends fully across the slope water, from the Gulf Stream the shelf break. The warm water on the northeast side is heading down the shelf break front along the entire...
Blue sharks suck back cephalopods like PEZ 1 Jul 2011 | 12:22 am
IN THE GULF STREAM, some 300 kilometres off Nova Scotia’s coast, hundreds of thousands of huge blue sharks are slipping under warm waters, rising and falling without fail in a mysterious daily rhythm,...
Henning Lohner - Turtle; The Incredible Journey 25 Jul 2010 | 11:51 am
Germany 2009 01. Turtle Universe 02. Turtle Beach 03. The Gulf Stream 04. The Life Raft 05. The First Night 06. Awakening 07. Supertanker 08. Requiem For A Raft 09. Portugese Man Of War 10. The Blue ...
Damaged Gulf Stream affecting Jet Stream 19 Dec 2010 | 01:58 am
Lord Stirling describes how the Gulf Oil tragedy has affected the weather worldwide, the Jet stream 5 to 7 miles above the Sea is driven by the waters (the Gulf St...