Most gundam metal upgrade parts related news are at:
– Korewa Gundam! | For Gundam Fans, By Gundam Fans
Generations Titan Class: METROPLEX 9 Jul 2013 | 05:43 pm
Generations Titan Class: METROPLEX. Filed under: Uncategorized
Giren’s Greed – PSP 5 Sep 2012 | 12:20 am
Well, seems my workshop is currently in hiatus, I’ve been playing more Gundam Video Games to make up for it. And while I’ve been currently online playing MS Gundam: Battle Operation (More on this lat...
More gundam metal upgrade parts related news:
Precision Trucks 31 Jan 2012 | 05:14 pm
In the last few years, more and more people have been upgrading to precision skateboard trucks. For those of you unfamiliar with skateboard equipment, the trucks are the metal parts of the skateboard...
GFFN MSZ-008 Zeta II 31 Dec 2008 | 06:38 am
The first of a new series for GFF called Gundam Fix Figuration New Generation or GFFN. This Zeta II has improved parts, including metal joints and will be transformable.