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Red/Blue pill 28 Jan 2011 | 09:45 am
Neo is the main character in the movie “Matrix” who is working as a computer engineer in the morning while working as a hacker at night. There has something strange happens on him one day; people who ...
Take the Red Pill? Take the Blue Pill? 28 Jan 2011 | 03:38 am
I recently watched “The Matrix” in class. The main character is a computer programmer named Thomas Anderson, working in an everyday type of office job, but at home he is a dedicated hacker known as N...
Windows Vista fue hackeado por “black hatter” 8 Feb 2007 | 12:32 pm
Con la ayuda de un programa que denomina Blue Pill, la hacker polaca Joana Rutowska logró vulnerar los elementos de seguridad y protección de Windows Vista, solo un día después que Microsoft lanzara e...