Most hacker cup 2011 related news are at:

Xilinx Virtex 7 (VC707 board) first steps 8 May 2012 | 04:29 pm
FPGA are an option I see the best for our future in terms of computing. Right now programming a FPGA is still a pain, but it’ll be easier with time, and enables developers access to a power they do no...
Dell iDRAC6 troubles with a R410 14 Feb 2012 | 11:18 pm
Today I’ve been busy with many things. One of those things was to get a new Dell PowerRack R410 working. Everything went fine, except the iDRAC/IPMI interface was not working at all. After a lot of r...
More hacker cup 2011 related news:
Facebook Hacker Cup 2011 Qualification Round: the PHP code 11 Jan 2011 | 11:57 pm
I wrote about how I completed the 3 exercices of Facebook’s Hacker Cup 2011 qualification round in my previous posts (Double Squares, Peg Game and Studious Student) and now I’ll provide the code I wro...
THE CUP (2011) 13 Mar 2012 | 01:01 am
A movie about a 2002 Melbourne Cup equine race. Download: password : megahotfire
Australia vs Canada ICC World Cup 2011 Highlights. 17 Mar 2011 | 09:29 am
Australia vs Canada ICC World Cup 2011 Highlights. Australia won by 7 Wickets. Toss & Chat Canada Batting-1 Canada Batting-2 Canada Batting-3 Canada Batting-4 Australia Batting-1 Australia Batt...
Bangladesh vs India Group B World Cup 2011 20 Feb 2011 | 09:24 am
Ind Bat 1st Part 1 Ind Bat 1st Part 2 Ind Bat 1st Part 3 Ind Bat 1st Part 4 Ban Bat 2nd Part 1 Ban Bat 2nd Part 2 Ban Bat 2nd Part 3 Ban Bat 2nd Part 4
Live ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Stream 24 Feb 2011 | 11:50 am
Facebook Hacker Cup 3/3: Studious Student 11 Jan 2011 | 11:14 pm
After talking about Double Squares and Peg Game, here is the last of the serie: Studious Student. At first it may look like the easiest problem, however there is a trap here. Reading the problem quic...
Facebook Hacker Cup 2/3: Peg Game 11 Jan 2011 | 10:59 pm
Continuing my previous post, let me explain the second game now: Peg Game. The concept is simple: there is a board with pegs, and a ball falls from the top. Each time it hits a peg, it has 50% chance...
Facebook Hacker Cup 1/3: Double Squares 11 Jan 2011 | 09:51 pm
The “2011 Facebook Hacker Cup” is currently happening, and the qualification stage has just finished as I write those lines. Since I like solving fun problems I took part and solved all 3 problems an...
Will India win the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 ? 19 Feb 2011 | 11:59 pm
Leeds v Manchester United Carling Cup 2011 21 Sep 2011 | 01:11 am
I know there has been shock defeats in the past like in January 2010, but United in their current form, there is no chance that Leeds will win tonight. Speculation on which players are starting includ...