Most hackintosh kernel panic related news are at:

How to clean OSX (remove temp files and speedup your mac) 22 Apr 2012 | 08:53 am
Clear OSX Space The following set of procedures free some unnecessary files from your OSX drive and free space, also it sometimes help to fix slowness problems, but please be very very careful with t...
Advertise your iPhone App for free 21 Oct 2011 | 07:54 pm if you are an iPhone developer then you must know that its hard to publish and advertise your iPhone / iPad / iPod / iPad 2 (iDevice) app for free, i tried sending the app link,...
More hackintosh kernel panic related news:
Episodio 19 del Podcast de Daboblog 2 Jul 2010 | 12:34 am
Justo antes de salir hacia el Eset Foro Internet Meeting Point, publicamos el episodio 19 del podcast, el primero de la etapa veraniega. Los contenidos son: -Kernel Panic (Minuto 2:55 hasta el 52:15)...
Oops 2 Apr 2009 | 03:17 am
Quem disse que o Linux não trava ?? Que atire a primeira pedra quem nunca viu ao menos um kernel panic na tela ? Pois bem, quando um erro grave ocorre no sistema, entre outras coisas que o kernel faz ...
Riavvio automatico in kernel panic 7 Feb 2010 | 12:10 am
Capita, per fortuna molto più raramente di quanto succeda per i sistemi "ms finestre", che anche il Linux possa avere qualche problema di stabilità. Che sia dovuto ad hardware mal funzionante o ad er...
Un poco de humor, tras un Kernel Panic 5 Apr 2012 | 10:54 pm
Y es que quien juega con fuego acaba quemándose. El martes me tocó quedarme en el trabajo hasta las 2 de la madrugrada debido a que un disco duro de una máquina de producción dijo basta. Estas cosas ...
Backtrack 5 is out! Do you get a kernel panic when you startx? The FIX is here! 19 May 2011 | 03:40 am
So, being someone who used Backtrack daily for my career, I routinely make sure I’m current with Backtrack. So Backtrack 5 is out, I went and grabbed x64 KDE version, backedup up my PSKL directory on...
VoodooPS2Controller [43] 11 Apr 2009 | 11:30 am
Features - No need for ACPIPS2Nub. Delete it before installing this or you’ll get a kernel panic – Loadable from /Extra/Extensions.mkext – 102-key keyboard support – support for mixed usb/ps2 configu...
Windows Blue Screen of Death Screensaver 11 Feb 2008 | 02:32 pm
Here’s a followup to the Linux Kernel Panic screensaver I posted last week, here’s the Microsoft equivalent (ironically released by Microsoft themselves). This screensaver would be great to use as a p...
Kernel Panic Screensaver! 30 Jan 2008 | 06:59 am
The perfect prank. A kernel panic is basically the most shocking crash that you can get on a Mac. It is Apple’s equivalent to the famed Windows Blue Screen of Death. read more | digg story
Webthumb Status Update 12 Feb 2009 | 12:27 pm
There was an Webthumb outage yesterday, the main server Kernel Panic’d and didn’t reboot properly. DNS was switched to the backup server, and for most users there was no noticable change. However the...
Riavvio automatico in kernel panic 6 Feb 2010 | 07:10 pm
Capita, per fortuna molto più raramente di quanto succeda per i sistemi "ms finestre", che anche il Linux possa avere qualche problema di stabilità. Che sia dovuto ad hardware mal funzionante o ad er...