Most hana tajima style tutorial related news are at:

August 2013: Preorder Batch 10 - Taking Orders 23 Aug 2013 | 09:02 pm
JULES DIM HEM DRESS RM74 (NOT INCLUDING POSTAGE) * material: Polyester Koshibo (not stretchable) *measurement : Refer picture with measurement above * trivia: Baju nya boleh digayakan bersama ski....
August 2013: Week 4 - Melati Dress 19 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm
Sophia Jennah Colour Block Inspired Dress - source MELATIYELLOW RM 64 (NOT INCLUDING POSTAGE) * material: Lycra + Spandex *Superb Quality and Moderate stretchable* *measurement : Refer picture ...
More hana tajima style tutorial related news:
:[ 18 Jul 2011 | 02:21 pm
was trying to don the scarf hana tajima's style. want to know what my little image consultant commented? he said : mama, kenapa mama pakai tudung tak betul? me : (ok change!!!)
cRaz!e b0u+ hEr... 25 Feb 2011 | 02:57 pm
who hana tajima....??ermm...take a lo0k here k....sgt chantek hokey...!! sant3k kan dye...!!ermmm...l!ke her style s0 much..!!sangat s!mple n lo0k s0 n!c3...!!n if nak tau dye la penc3tus im3j YUNA Z...
:[ 18 Jul 2011 | 10:21 am
was trying to don the scarf hana tajima's style. want to know what my little image consultant commented? he said : mama, kenapa mama pakai tudung tak betul? me : (ok change!!!)
Wig Hijab ? dehell? 8 Feb 2013 | 11:23 am
Assalamualaikum semua Fashion tudung sekarang ni dah macam2 jenis kan. Dari Hana Tajima, Yuna, Turban, tudung saji dan sebagainya. Now ada pulak style tudung ala2 rambut. -.-" Kemain oh macam rambut...