Most handsome furs tour related news are at:

New Moonface Record 27 Aug 2013 | 08:19 pm
Finally we have news about the much anticipated Moonface solo piano record!! ‘Julia With Blue Jeans On’ will be released in the US on October 29th, and in Europe on October 28th on Jagjaguwar (Paper B...
Divine Fits Interview Roundup 17 Aug 2013 | 05:57 am
Photo Credit: Autumn Andel Here are some interviews I’ve found from the last few months. Enjoy! Prefix Mag interview Also, here’s some more news on Dan’s new project ‘Operators’ from
More handsome furs tour related news:
Concertul Handsome Furs din seara asta se amana 10 Dec 2011 | 07:49 am
Ne pare rau sa va anuntam ca cei de la Handsome Furs au pierdut avionul spre Bucuresti. Asadar suntem nevoiti sa anulam concertul de astazi, urmand sa-l reprogramam in primavara anului viitor. Totusi ...
3 ani de Control pe 30 septembrie 31 Aug 2011 | 10:11 pm
CONTROL 2008 - 2009 Prinzhorn Dance School, Mum (DJ Set), We Have Band, Post War Years, Blurt, The Legendary Pink Dots, Handsome Furs, Joy Disaster, Al&The Black Cat, Rainbow Arabia, In Flagranti CO...
De si belles foururres 7 Mar 2009 | 05:52 am
C'est lundi et mine de rien, c'est peut-être le deuxième gros événement de ce début d'année musical après le Merriveather Post Pavilion d'Animal Collective: la sortie du deuxième album d'Handsome Furs...
Handsome Furs - Sound Kapital 27 May 2011 | 03:25 pm
Inspired by the '80s industrial/electronic music scene in Europe, Handsome Furs' newest album, Sound Kapital, was the first album of theirs to be written entirely on keyboards. As someone that was a h...
Divine Fits 3 Sep 2012 | 03:51 am
Os Divine Fits são uma banda de indie pop, com boas doses de guitarras e sintetizadores. A banda é formada por Britt Daniel (Spoon), Dan Boeckner (Wolf Parade e Handsome Furs) e Sam Brown (New Bomb Tu...
One-Book Tour: Wake Unto Me by Lisa Cach 2 Oct 2010 | 08:42 am
Title: Wake Unto Me Author: Lisa Cach Pages: 208 Publisher: Speak Publication date: March 31st, 2011 Edition: ARC Donated by: Lisa(Thank you!) A haunted castle, a handsome young man dead for four hu...
Un tour de magie assez osé 7 May 2008 | 10:06 pm
Cette magicienne va faire disparaître son petit foulard rouge et au fur enlever ses vêtements pour prouver aux spectateurs qu’il n'est pas caché autre part. Au final elle se retrouve à poil.
Brett Lee Career statistics in all formats of the game 13 Jul 2012 | 11:09 pm
Brett Lee the handsome Speedster from Australia on 13 July 2012, he retired from all forms of international cricket after a calf injury cut short his tour of England with Australia’s One-Day Internati...
Vos photos du Tour de France 20 Jul 2012 | 05:52 pm
Les internautes de 20 Minutes étaient sur la route du Tour. Ils nous envoyés leurs clichés. Voici une sélection (actualisée au fur et à mesure de la journée). Continuez à nous envoyer vos meilleures....
PETA Slams “Turncoat” Lady Gaga Over Furry Pics 14 Aug 2012 | 09:26 pm
PETA Slams “Turncoat” Lady Gaga Over Furry Pics Lady Gaga is under fire for rocking a fur coat on her European tour, with PETA penning a blistering open letter to Mother Monster and accusing her of b...