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(photo-essay) Shanghai's Disappearing Doorways 26 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
The following snapshots are but a few of the disappearing doorways that can still be found in Shanghai’s last-standing traditional neighborhoods. China Pictures | 0 Comments
The Top Seven Pet Peeves That Foreigners Have Against Chinese 26 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
Inspired by a recent case where complaints were made against a Chinese dance troupe, hee is a list complied by a Chinese reporter explaining what foreigners hate the most about Chinese people. China ...
More hao hao report related news:
Cs 1.6 Haos Aim Cfg İndir 7 Feb 2012 | 12:46 am
Cs 1.6 aim cfg Counter strike 1.6 haos aim cfg sitemize eklenmiştir. Cs 1.6 haos aim cfg özellikleri şöyledir; No recoil ile sekme sorunu yok. Aim vector ayarları yapılmı. Bunnyhop paketi var. S...
LANG SEN HAO 30 Nov 2011 | 07:46 am
Obat Pendongkrak Vitalitas Pria LANG SEN HAO adalah obat kuat Tablet ajaib dari china yang telah ada sejak jaman kerajaan MING dan sekarang dikemas dengan bentuk yang menarik dengan setandar internas...
Vanness Wu Jian Hao New album C’est La V 22 Jul 2011 | 02:41 am
After more than three years since his last Mandarin album “In Between“, Taiwan pop star and Ex member of F4 Vanness Wu (Wu Jian Hao) finally release his new album “Ces’t La V”. Vanness Wu recently is...
ma1 ma di4 yi1 jin4 er2 qi2 ta1 23 Jun 2007 | 10:03 am
Bismillah ------------------------------ wo ying gai zuo hao qi ju wei shui? ni ma ma. wo ying gai zuo hao qi ju wei shui xia yi ci? ni ma ma. wo ying gai zuo hao qi ju wei shui xia yi ci? ni ma m...
Ce Citer.....Ce Citerr....!!!! 2 May 2011 | 11:47 pm
<<unrelated picture..(^*,) ni hao..!!!...hao jiu bu jian.... para hadirin dan hadirat sekalian, ade pahamkah maksudnya ape..?? according to kamus cik.aja, ni hao means "how are you, long time no se...
jom belajar mandarin 24 Oct 2011 | 02:34 am
perbualan antara prince frog dengan cik frogy pf: ni hao ma? apa khabar? cf: wo hen hao, xiexie. Ni ne? saya sangat baik, terima kasih. awak pula? pf: wo yen hen hao. saya juga sangat baik cf: ni ...
[re]cyclonomics 14 Nov 2010 | 11:39 am
hao hao" what about "be creative" for 30 seconds ? things are not in proportion, so lets make something more valuable. bahan menyesuaikan sure, its a piece of shit that we can find in our room. so...
MengHai Da-Yi "Yun Xian - Wu Tsi Den Ke" Series - Hao 8 Feb 2010 | 08:08 am
This is the "Hao" beeng for the MengHai Da-Yi "Yun Xian" Wu Tsi Ke Series - Hao (Tips). Again,like the previous beeng reviewed, the information for this particular beeng was again scarces. Yet, I do ...
Learning Chinese - Mandarin 12 Sep 2010 | 12:04 am
ni hao I want to know the chinese version of my name & how to say it btw my name is (islam) & I also want to say I'm from Egypt thanks, you are a super teacher Xie Xie :) ni hao ma ? lolll eer...
“Jintian tianqi hen hao” 15 Jul 2007 | 09:32 pm
Kali ini pelajaran mengenai cuaca. A: Jintian tianqi hen hao. (=hari ini cuaca sangat bagus.) B: Shi. Jintian you feng, bu re ye bu leng.(=Ya. Hari ini berangin, tidak panas juga tidak dingin.) A: ...