Most happy birthday from jensen ackles related news are at:
– Supernatural Hunters' Addict | Your Source For All Things 'Supernatural'
Spoiler Room 10 Jul 2011 | 01:16 am
I can only assume that with Cas declaring himself the new God, that The Almighty Himself has cocked an eyebrow and turned his mouth in a frown. With Cas’ revelation, I can only assume that next season...
‘Supernatural’ Star Misha Collins Talks Castiel’s Role In Season 7 7 Jul 2011 | 11:44 pm
The CW’s ‘Supernatural’ has spent six years defying audience expectations and gleefully leaving us on the edge of our seats with every season finale, but last season’s climactic close proved to be one...
More happy birthday from jensen ackles related news:
Happy Dean Day! 15 Feb 2011 | 01:58 am
For those of you who are not a fan of Valentine's Day, or who just think Jensen Ackles is incredibly hot, today is the 2nd annual DEAN DAY!!!! Intense eyes and that sexy mouth. What woman could resis...