Most hattrick related news are at:

Facebook ai massimi a Wall Strret 27 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
Facebook ha raggiunto il suo massimo storico a Wall Street con una capitalizzazione che ha superato la soglia dei 100 miliardi di dollari. Lunedì 26 agosto il titolo ha chiuso infatti con un rialzo de...
Ljajic alla Roma per 10 milioni? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Il calciomercato continua a offrire ampi spazi di manovra per le big del campionato: dopo aver venduto Jovetic al City, la Fiorentina sembra pronta a lasciar partire l'attaccante serbo Ljajic. Dopo le...
More hattrick related news:
RIMI SEN 16 Oct 2008 | 04:41 pm
Rimi Sen-seductive lick Real hot Rimi Sen back painting sexy desi bollywood actress rimi sen hot movie scene Kunal Kapoor & Rimi Sen in bath tub in Hattrick Rimi Sen and abhishek bachan Best quali...
Topps Match Attax Extra 18 Mar 2012 | 06:19 am
Topps bringt mit der neuesten Match Attax Extra Ausgabe neue Transfers, Kadererweiterungen, Fan Favoriten, Hattrick Helden, Matchwinner und last but not least "Club Einhundert" Karten. Alle Fan Favori...
Verschwörung! 28 Jul 2010 | 09:07 am
Als ich noch bei als Manager aktiv war (siehe auch das entsprechende PR-Archiv hier) war einer der von mir meist geschätzten ht-Manager „Honore de Ballsack“ . Sein bereits 2003 angemelde...
Những cú hat-trick trong lịch sử Euro 28 May 2012 | 03:53 pm
Phải đợi đến 16 năm kể từ Euro đầu tiên, VCK Euro mới được chứng kiến cú hattrick đầu tiên của Dieter Muller tại Tiệp Khắc, kể từ đó đến cú hattrick gần nhất của David Villa tại Euro 2008 đã có tổng c...
Voted Favorite Simulation Game of 2011 24 Jan 2012 | 10:12 am
Hattrick has been voted Favourite Simulation Game of 2011! For some 1,5 months thousands and yet thousands of gamers voted for their favorite games on BBGsite to appoint the Best Browser Games of ...
Introducing National Team Blogs 29 Jun 2011 | 12:00 am
National teams can now get a blog on Hattrick United, and the National coach will be in charge of it. The NT coach can also give other persons editor access, to help with the writing. On Hattrick the ...
Keep track of your favorite blogs 23 Jun 2011 | 08:56 pm
The number of blogs on Hattrick United are growing fast and you may find it hard to keep up with your favorites. At times you may stumble across a good blog, only to find it’s gone in the crowd the ne...
What’s up next on Hattrick United? 15 Jun 2011 | 08:18 am
Releasing Hattrick United and the time since then has been fantastic. Not only because of the warm welcome HUTD got, but also because of all great blogs to read and discover. Prior to the release I th...
Welcome to Hattrick United! 7 Dec 2010 | 01:45 pm
Here you can share the latest news and blog about your Hattrick team. Tell the world the stories about your legendary players and club personalities. Or just sit back and enjoy the stories from other ...
FC Canniballz wins Hattrick Masters 7 Dec 2010 | 01:42 pm
Our congratulations to Finland’s FC Canniballz, who brought home the Hattrick Masters trophy yesterday evening. The final was a close affair. Drakonians CF, the reigning Polish Cup champions, held FC ...