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Apps para HBO GO, Comcast Xfinity y MLB.TV disponibles para Xbox Live 29 Mar 2012 | 07:00 am
Una nueva actualización para el Xbox Live esta siendo distribuida por Microsoft y entre las mejoras están las aplicaciones Comcast Xfinity, HBO GO y MLB.TV, llevando el total de Live apps a 36. Estas...
HBO Go Now Available on iPad 3 May 2011 | 12:32 pm
HBO Go is now available on the Apple App Store for the iPhone and iPad. Users can watch streaming videos of movies and shows on the iOS devices. But this service is only available for existing HBO sub...
HBO Go Connect to Xbox 360 in April 29 Feb 2012 | 01:29 am
At HBO event in San Francisco, company announced HBO Go coming to Xbox 360 in April month, from Roku boxes to some Samsung connected TVs, now finally Microsoft's console will be getting the flowing se...
Interview Janos Szilardi, new media director HBO GO for HBO Central Europe 25 May 2012 | 10:13 pm
Janos Szilardi, new media director HBO GO for HBO Central Europe, talking about the future of television in the digital era and about the possibilities of development in the european market. Citește m...
"True Blood" Season 4 Has Started 30 Jun 2011 | 12:44 am
My fix is back. And so far, not disappointed after watching the first two episodes. "Wait," you're saying, "the first TWO?" For those not in the know, for HBO subscribers, HBO GO has the second epi...
Boxing Classics: Miguel Cotto vs. Antonio Margarito (HBO) 29 Nov 2011 | 11:33 pm
Take a search back again at one particular of the best fights of 2009: Cotto vs. Margarito. For more details, pay a visit to WatchHBO Passe-temps collection and events on-line at HBO GO® itsh....
Ziggo gaat HBO kanalen doorgeven 17 Jan 2012 | 02:09 am
Ziggo geeft vanaf 9 februari HBO®-kanalen door D rie lineaire HD HBO-kanalen op TV, en HBO GO® en HBO On Demand® via internet en interactieve televisie Utrecht, 16 januari 2012 Media- en communicati...
Frommer: HBO not likely to offer Web-only subscriptions 7 Jun 2012 | 05:06 am
Dan Frommer: It turns out, via TechCrunch, that people say they are willing to spend around $12 per month, on average, for direct access to HBO GO. That itself is not going to turn any heads at Time W...
Sorkin "čisti" Uredništvo 26 Jul 2012 | 08:39 pm
Aaron Sorkin že cel teden odgovarja na novinarska vprašanja in brani svojo kritično serijo "Uredništvo", katero lahko gledate na HBO-ju, HBO GO-ju in na HBO OD-ju, hkrati pa išče tudi nove scenariste.
Ceny HBO GO u operatorów innych niż Vectra 27 Jul 2012 | 01:45 am
Słuchajcie, takie pytanie, bo się nie doszukałem, u jakich innych niż Vectra operatorów dostępne jest HBO GO i w jakiej cenie... Bo w Vectrze mam za darmo, ale się przeprowadzam i nie będę tam mógł mi...