Most hdd password related news are at:

Comment on Reinstalling by pamela panter 27 Aug 2013 | 10:13 am
after having Compaq laptop went back to factory settings..i am only a learner and don’t know how to reinstall my apps?
Comment on Drinks by Calum 24 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm
Poorer a mug if tea across my laptop today (Lenovo t410i) it spent about 20minutes starting and stopping g before finally powering up… I also did the same years ago with my IBM… It did much better! Ei...
More hdd password related news:
“Acer HDD password”… 16 Sep 2008 | 07:00 am
Sâmbătă dimineaţa am vrut să încerc minunatele opţiuni de securitate ale laptopului meu Acer 5520G. N-am verificat pe net nimic (ex. dacă e ceva recomandat, dacă apar probleme). Pur şi simplu am pres...
Passwords and Lunch Dates 2 Mar 2012 | 10:00 pm
The two (passwords and lunch dates) are not related. At least they are not related in this post. They are two topics that are on my mind as I write this post. I haven't posted much lately because m...
Apple ID buttons 22 Aug 2011 | 01:39 am
Last month I had to change my Apple ID password and found Apple ID website from Google. I really loved what they have done with the “Create an Apple ID” button. The subtle shadow around the button cr...
Lost windows password? Create a password reset disk 28 Oct 2011 | 02:00 am
If you lose your password in Windows there is an easy way you can change it as long as you run this wizard to create a password reset disk. Windows Vista & Windows 7 Users: 1. Click on the blue wind...
New site layout 20 Mar 2012 | 05:21 am has moved to a new WordPress version. The original is still available here for those with the correct password.
How to boot Clonezilla and GParted from HDD on Windows 22 Oct 2011 | 06:30 pm
I’m pretty sure most of you already know about Clonezilla and GParted, and the usefulness of those two tools. But to those that don’t, Clonezilla can help you clone your partition easily while GParted...
LastPass – An Excellent Online Identity Management Tool 9 Mar 2010 | 03:47 pm
LastPass is a high-quality online password manager for all popular web browsers. It lets you toggle between multiple online identities and brands (personal, business, client #1, client #2) at the clic...
NEW Login Password 19 Mar 2010 | 11:06 pm
If you are having an issue logging into the helpdesk please use the lost password feature to get a new password.
Akhirnya Balik ke Kaskus Old 21 Apr 2012 | 12:58 pm
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku iseng mengubah email dan password di akun – niatnya sih pengen nyicipin versi betanya kaskus-, begitu udah diupdate.. jeng jeng… tampilannya kaskus berubah jad...
Tipps – Magento default admin account 19 Apr 2012 | 11:41 am
Magento may be a great ecommerce application, however, many people are not aware, that numerous versions of Magento create by default an admin account which has a standard login and password which any...