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More head balding related news:
Shabana Azmi – Bald Indian Actress 6 Nov 2009 | 06:21 pm
Shabana Azmi - Bald Indian Actress Shabana Azmi - Bald Indian Actress Shabana Azmi famous Bollywood actor shaved her head bald for the feature film ‘water’ back in 2006. Born 18 September, 1950 ...
XMLHttpRequest bald Webstandard? 21 Nov 2009 | 08:52 am
Jeder der mit der Entwicklung von Ajax-Anwendungen zu tun hat, kennt sicher auch das XMLHttpRequest-Objekt. Es dient zum Transfer von beliebigen Daten über das HTTP-Protokoll. Mittels XMLHttpRequest k...
Chat Box Rules 9 Feb 2007 | 12:44 am
Rules: (This is all common sense) ~No swearing, there are very young children that visit iiCarlyy and they don't need people filling their heads with any of this. ~Nothing sexual, another obvious ru...
Factors Of what’s search engine optimisation * Seeking the Replies 24 May 2012 | 04:06 am
What exactly is Seo? At times this query seems as mystery for men and women and most of them feel it is really complex task but transform head quickly whenever they find out precisely what is Seo at t...
Top 10: Die besten Navigationsgeräte bis 100 Euro 16 May 2012 | 07:02 pm
Bald ist es wieder soweit und die neue Urlaubssaison beginnt im Jahr 2012. Pünktlich dazu haben wir unsere Kaufberatung der Top 10 Navigationssysteme bis 100 Euro aktualisiert. Mittlerweile ist der Pr...
Headings e WCAG2 12 Feb 2010 | 11:29 pm
Da poco ho iniziato lo sviluppo della nuova versione del tema Marinelli per drupal. Uno dei miei obiettivi è quello di scrivere un codice conforme ai nuovi standard di marcatura, che segua il più poss...
Cambiar el tamaño de un CKeditor 10 Dec 2009 | 03:51 pm
Para cambiar el tamaño de de un área de texto con CKeditor solo deben agregar estas líneas en el HEAD, debajo de donde llamamos al editor Solo esto! Related Posts: CKEditor, nuevo editor html para ...
Deutsche Blogosphäre bald auch als Print? 3 Nov 2011 | 10:49 pm
Ein neues Startup-Unternehmen will den Sprung schaffen, Inhalte der deutschen Blogosphäre in eine Printversion zu bringen. Auf der Gründerseite ‚‘ stellt sich das Projekt ‚der blogger‘ vor...
Menubar 4.7 22 Feb 2010 | 12:15 pm
Menubar 4.7 migliora la gestione dei tipi PageTree e CategoryTree con l’aggiunta dei campi a selezione multipla Exclude e Headings. Il campo Exclude vi permette di specificare quali pagine o categorie...
How I learned to stop worrying and love Final Cut Pro X 24 Jun 2011 | 02:02 pm
The iMovie case I, too was upset. At first, that is. I was so entrenched in the “old” way of doing video editing that I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. At first, that is. And all the nice effects...