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The Economist UK – 14th July-20th July 2012 16 Jul 2012 | 10:00 pm
The Economist UK – 14th July-20th July 2012 经济学人杂志2012年7月14日出版 格式:PDF;96MB;100页 下载链接/download links: filehost filevelocity 更多国外原版杂志,尽在英文电子杂志免费下载站
Android UI Fundamentals: Develop & Design 16 Jul 2012 | 09:54 pm
书名:Android UI Fundamentals: Develop & Design 作者:ason Ostrander 出版:2012 ISBN:0321814584 格式:EPUB ;10MB ; 320页 下载链接/download links: filehost
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《Head First Statistics》 reading note 31 Jan 2011 | 10:13 pm
这两天抽空泛读了一下《Head First Statistics》,只当是复习了一下以前本科的东东,让我将一些忘却的概念又重新拾了起来。 第一次读Head First系列的书,觉得有些不一样。Head First系列一般都要比同类主题的书要厚好多,在没有看内容之前,相信不少人都会象我一样一开始会被书本的厚度吓到。对本来看书时间就越来越少的现代人来说,心中会置疑到底需要多久才能学完这本大部头。其实...
The Mud That Makes Us Mudders 12 Jul 2011 | 01:11 am
Mud gets us all excited. We love the harmonic “squishing” sound of shoe stepping into Earth’s finest sludge. And there’s nothing better than watching the head-first splat of a speedy Mudder who though...
29 Extreme Adventures To Try Out 3 May 2012 | 12:58 am
29 Extreme Adventures To Try Out Bungee Jumping There’s nothing like attaching an elastic cord to your feet and jumping off a bridge head-first. Stare death in the face as you see the ground coming ...
The Mud That Makes Us Mudders 12 Jul 2011 | 01:11 am
Mud gets us all excited. We love the harmonic “squishing” sound of shoe stepping into Earth’s finest sludge. And there’s nothing better than watching the head-first splat of a speedy Mudder who though...
Financial Spread Trading Tips For Beginners 2 Sep 2010 | 02:22 am
By J Eagle When I started financial spread trading in the 1990’s I pretty much dived in head first! I’d read the books, attended seminars and courses and just wanted to get on with earning some money...
Nicky Hilton and Her Hermes Handbag 20 Apr 2012 | 07:28 am
It appears that the ultra-stunning Nicky Hilton has skipped right passed spring and jumped head first into summer. At least, her last gas-getting outfit looks that way! She was recently spotted pum...
Preview: Custom Twitter widgets with MiTwidget 20 Dec 2011 | 11:41 am
What I've been up to lately The past few months I've spent a good deal of time experimenting with Google App Engine. It's been a learning process, sometimes a frustrating one, as I've dove head first ...
Manic Rider 17 Jan 2012 | 06:58 am
This game really lives up to it’s name. Within 5 seconds of playing this game I had my dirt bike spinning around and half the time I was flying into the dirt head first! The aim is supposed to be to ...
Wrażenia po lekturze książki "Head First Design Patterns. Edycja polska" 25 Aug 2010 | 11:28 pm
Trzymając w ręku "Head First Design Patterns. Edycja polska" można odnieść wrażenie, że czeka nas ciężka przeprawa przez ponad 600 stron pełnych wiedzy. Myślę, że każdy kto miał styczność z omawianą p...
The Sleeping Dinosaur of Mati, Davao Oriental 8 Apr 2012 | 08:10 pm
Going on our way back to Davao City we headed first at the splendid place, overlooking from the nearby road, I stood to a cottage close to the cliff – The Sleeping Dinosaur of Mati, Davao Oriental. M...