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A Public Health Primer to International Travel 28 Sep 2011 | 07:30 pm
If you plan to travel overseas or even across the borders into Mexico or Canada, your plans need to include foresight and caution if you want to enjoy a hassle-free and healthy trip. Knowledge about p...
20 Myths About Air Pollution 29 Jun 2011 | 07:30 pm
Climate change and all the science for, against, or unclear on the topic can be very confusing and is often a source of conflict and division. However, the one thing everyone can agree on is that we a...
More health education masters degree philadelphia related news:
25 Useful Online Games for Health Educators 23 Jul 2010 | 08:43 am
One of the career paths you can take with a Master of Health Administration degree is to help educate others. With all that we are learning about the body, and with technology, it is fairly easy to fu...
How to Preserve Your Life With Health Education 4 Aug 2012 | 06:38 pm
Earning a master in health education degree will open doors to a variety of health care jobs and careers. Master blaster wealthy education has gained a lot of popularity from top institutes and univer...
Bachelor's & Master's Degree Programs - South University 25 May 2012 | 05:12 am
Bachelor's & Master's Degree Programs - South University South University is a for-profit university owned by Education Management Corporation(EDMC) with programs in business, health care, design, an...
Interview with Jeff Cubos, Chiropractor and Performance Therapist 9 Aug 2013 | 08:28 pm
This is part 1 of the Freelap Friday Five Series, Season Three. To review the past 32 interviews, click here. Dr. Jeff Cubos holds a Bachelors degree in Physical Education and Health and a Masters of...
Texas A&M College of Nursing Adds Master’s Program 22 Aug 2013 | 10:03 pm
The Texas A&M University's Health Science Center College of Nursing is now offering a Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) degree in nursing education to help address the state and nation’s nursing s...
Health and Family Services Coordinator | Harris County Department of Education 27 Aug 2013 | 01:14 am
US - TX - Houston, Qualifications: Education/Certification: • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in Public Health, Social Work or related field • Master’s degree from an accredited univer...