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TWiV 247: Today’s weather in virology 26 Aug 2013 | 06:18 am
On episode #247 of the science show This Week in Virology, Ian Lipkin joins Vincent, Alan, Rich, and Kathy to describe how his laboratory is searching for the origin of MERS-coronavirus. You can find...
Part of MERS-CoV nucleotide sequence found in a bat 22 Aug 2013 | 10:33 pm
What is wrong with this paragraph from today’s New York Times that describes the origin of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus: Health officials confirmed Wednesday that bats in S...
More hela cells related news:
Papillomavirus E2 induces p53-independent apoptosis in HeLa cells 9 Mar 2011 | 04:09 pm
Christian Desaintes, Sylvain Goyat, Serge Garbay, Moshe Yaniv and Françoise Thierry Oncogene (1999) 18, 4538-4545 Direview oleh: Endah Puspitasari Infeksi pappilomavirus, suatu adenovirus, sering ...
With its HeLa genome agreement, the NIH embraces a expansive definition of familial consent in genetics 7 Aug 2013 | 11:05 pm
I wrote before about the controversy involving the release earlier this year of a genome sequence of the HeLa cell line, which was taken without consent from Henrietta Lacks as she lay dying of ovaria...
Primecuts-This Week in the Journals 14 Aug 2013 | 06:47 am
By: Theresa Sumberac, MD What do the polio vaccine, in vitro fertilization, and gene mapping have in common? Their successes are all due, in varying extents, to the use of HeLa cells. HeLa cells were...
Acknowledging Henrietta Lacks And Her Contribution To Genetic Research 13 Aug 2013 | 11:13 pm
For more than half a century, Henrietta Lacks’ cancer cells have been used for worldwide biomedical research. After her death at age 31 in 1951, HeLa cells have made significant contributions to medic...
Ameworld le podcast : Rendez-vous d'Avril! 23 Apr 2012 | 06:35 am
Le 4ième épisode d'Ameworld : le podcast est disponible! Ce mois-ci nous avons sélectionné quelques news pour vous, celles qui nous paraissaient intéressantes! Couplées à deux zoom : l'un sur les mag...
Cell therapy recommended by the Paris elite 22 Mar 2012 | 07:53 pm
Relax, close your eyes, sense a pleasant smell, hear the soothing tones, in total just relax and allow professionals to take care of you, something we all deserve. Thanks to the exclusive cosmetics of...
RIM introduces new BlackBerry Curve 9350, 9360 and 9370 27 Aug 2011 | 12:01 am
RIM introduces new BlackBerry Curve 9350, 9360 and 9370 - The Canadian company RIM has also sought to join the fashion of cell present in late August with the expectation (as do other brands) start to...
Protéines en poudre : comment faire son choix ? 4 Jun 2011 | 11:13 pm
Les protéines en poudre sont utilisées par les amateurs de musculation, mais aussi par ceux ou celles qui veulent perdre du poids. Il en existe de diverses sortes, alors comment faire son choix
Acer Laptop Battery P/N 60.45H03.001 8 cells 25 Jul 2009 | 03:34 pm
Specification: Acer Laptop Battery P/N 60.45H03.001 8 cells Rate: 11.1V 3600mAh !! Type: Li-ion, 6 cells UL certificated cells inside! Brand New Replacement Product, works as genuine parts, 100% O...
Acer Laptop Battery Part Number BTP1400 8 cells 25 Jul 2009 | 03:34 pm
Specification: Acer Laptop Battery Part Number BTP1400 Type: Li-ion, 8 cells Rate: 14.8V 4400mAh UL certificated cells inside! Brand New Replacement Product, works as genuine parts, 100% OEM Compa...