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Keni Styles – Who is this guy I hear so much about? 12 Jan 2012 | 09:11 am
Hey dudes, you must be pretty confused as I was at your place. Firstly, I heard a lot about that “famous” Superman Stamina product and read a lot of forums where people were thankful to their new “Ido...
Okay, Okay, I’m Fat…Thanks Guys 18 Jan 2012 | 03:01 am
I live in Japan. In Japan it is socially acceptable to tell you straight up if you have gotten fat. The conversation would go something like this: “Hey, dude. Long time no see!” “Yeah, for real! Hey...
The joke. 23 Sep 2009 | 10:18 pm
I cannot believe this. Not sure if you can. But wth. It's been ages since I caught up with A. So happen I got back from uni early today and he IM me thru yahoo!. A: Hey dude.. you there? K: yeah.. w...
More than a friendship 23 Jun 2011 | 07:36 am
Hey dude! Don't you think it's time to look our former body, get out of the bed! Relax man! You've heard the tv, there's the caos on the streets all we can do it's stay here in this hotel. But what ...
The Beginning of A Blog 19 Oct 2009 | 11:17 pm
At last, i've the feel for sharing my works, my activities, what i feel, what i think, my humble opinion (perhaps..haha)..Some of my buddies kindda provoking me "Hey dude, you're a Designer, A Creativ...
Translation of Peoms 14 Apr 2012 | 06:08 am
Hey dudes. What’s up? This post which is dedicated to Miss. Ghazal Borhani-buff of poem- i introduced books related to translation of peoms. I hope these’re beneficial. Maybe i make change the channel...
about my following days 26 May 2010 | 02:12 am
hey dude wassap ? gue harap lo pada baik-baik aja well langsung aja gue mau cerita nih about my following fuckin days hehe jadi selama beberapa minggu ini gue makin rutin aja pulang sore buka...
The End of DAR! 16 Dec 2009 | 11:51 am
Hey dudes, good news! I’ve decided to end DAR! Maybe you already know about it, as it’s been no secret since I’ve talked about it in a lot of the interviews I’ve done in the last few months. But here...
mein Lieblingsgemüse 10 Jun 2009 | 10:24 am
Hey dudes. As of today, I'm on Euro vacation: warm greetings from the Continent. I had a li'l layover this afternoon in the World's Second-Worst Airport (London Heathrow), just long enough to flip th... 17 Jun 2002 | 06:56 am
hey dude