Most hidden emoticon plurk 2011 related news are at:

Dosen Tak Bernyawa, Sebuah Tulisan Terakhir 6 Nov 2012 | 05:21 pm
“Manusia berawal dari setetes air mani yang hina Berakhir menjadi seonggok daging yang membusuk Dan saat ini berada diantara keduanya dengan membawa kotoran kemana-mana” -Salim A. Fillah- “Dalam De...
SEAGames FREE LIVE Streaming RCTI 8 Nov 2011 | 03:20 am
RCTI live streaming : Klik Tombol RCTI untuk menyaksikan Live streaming RCTI SCTV online streaming : Klik Tombol SCTV untuk menonton SCTV Live Streaming Global TV Streaming - Trans TV - TVone : klik...
More hidden emoticon plurk 2011 related news:
Complete List of Plurk (Hidden) Emoticons 24 Dec 2010 | 08:26 pm
Plurk is a social networking site that allow you to post 140 characters of your status. Maybe seems like another status-sharing sites but plurk offers more fun. In plurk there are Karma, a valuation o...
Using Plurk Hidden Emoticons Easily without Memorizing 12 Feb 2011 | 05:03 pm
Are you plurker? you may familiar with these `plurkish` emoticons , or Even some of you have already memorized the emoticons code, don’t you? Recently, plurk has released `tons` of hidden emoticons...