Most hide status bar iphone related news are at:
Illegal instruction: 4 24 Feb 2013 | 10:02 pm
Some old arm binaries that compiled using iPhone-gcc have "Illegal instruction: 4" when using iPhone 5 and iPad 4 as discussed in The is how...
swizzleMethodsForClass 4 Feb 2013 | 02:47 am
swizzleMethodsForClass.m Select all #import // swap a class's instance method selectors, we do this to overload existing methods in category declarations void swizzleMethodsForClass(Class c, SEL origM...
More hide status bar iphone related news:
LC2 Pro Version 11 Jul 2011 | 05:41 am
Another update to LC2 Pro. This one just gives the user some cosmetic configuration options such as options to hide some menu bar items and the status bar. Also a basic "Check for updates" menu item h...
iPad Like Launcher and Gesture Control on Android Tablet (No Status Bar) 28 May 2012 | 02:54 pm
You probably have seen many tutorials on how to make your Android tablet look like iPad using Espier Launcher HD. But those tutorials don’t tell you how to hide Android status bar. With Android status...
Overdue iPhone Icons 28 Oct 2011 | 11:11 pm
Overdue is a classy, well drawn set of iPhone icons that will be sure to give your iPhone a fresh new look. iPhone dock, status bar, and wallpaper included along with 39 iPhone icons in total. Enjoy. ...
Sublime Text 2分屏与GB2312和GBK乱码解决方案 3 Jul 2012 | 12:45 pm
今天群里有人问Sublime Text 2怎么分很多屏 —,— ,其实分屏很简单,Sublime Text 2编辑器本身就有这个功能。 菜单栏 View > Layout 下面就是分屏的选项,每个选项后面都有对应的快捷键。 另外View菜单下拉下面还有许多有用的选项,比如:Hide Minimap、Side Bar、Hide Status Bar等。 Sublime Text 2正式版增加了...
SlimPly Status Bar 17 Aug 2012 | 06:44 pm
resident artist DjéTouch has created a wonderfully simple theme for the iPhone’s status bar. All of the images used in the theme are black and white, in order to convey important information without d...
iPhone Tips & Tricks #352: How To Force Status Bar On All Apps 9 Nov 2012 | 11:16 am
If you notice, there are some applications that will manifest themselves in full screen mode when you activate them. This is because they have been coded to do so. In some cases, this may be great, ...
Zeppelin : easiest way to change iOS operator logo 31 Mar 2013 | 10:15 am
Zeppelin is a new tweak that allows you to add a custom operator logo on the Status Bar of the iPhone. By example, the Batman logo or the Android robot logo at top left of your screen to hide the name...
Laguna HD 2 for iPhone 5 9 Feb 2013 | 02:54 am
Laguna HD 2 for iPhone 5 ($2.99) Now Available on Cydia Store Package includes: Themes (main theme and status bar icons), Wallapers, Neutraface Font, and Zeppelin logos You can email me at minhtrimatr...
StatusHUD Cydia Tweak For iPad 10 Jul 2013 | 06:57 pm
Alan Yip, the creator of a few of my favorite Cydia tweaks TapToWidgets and Overview has a new tweak coming to the iPhone and iPad. StatusHUD integrates your volume toggle to your status bar, essentia...
How to Stop Google Now in iOS from Accessing Location Data and Save Battery Life 2 May 2013 | 04:48 pm
One might notice a sharp decline in battery life on their iPhone after installing the interactive Google Now search app. One can even see a location services icon appearing on the status bar of their....