Most high priestess tarot card related news are at:

Thoth Tarot 3 Mar 2012 | 10:52 pm
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post to rate it. The Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot is one of the most popular Tarot decks and cards f...
Ace of Cups 14 Apr 2011 | 04:54 am
The Ace of Cups Tarot card symbolizes love, harmony, patience, compassion, joy and acceptance. This card is usually believed as the Holy Grail to many people. The meanings of Ace of Cups are able to ...
More high priestess tarot card related news:
The High Priestess 23 Apr 2013 | 01:45 am
By Seamus Anthony The High Priestess tarot card is rich with symbology relating to the unconscious mind. She sits in front of a veil that separates us from this vast sea of thought, memory and … Read ...
Late posts 6 Jan 2012 | 08:18 pm
The High Priestess from the Lunatic Tarot Unfortunately, the tarotscope updates for the week starting January 9th will be delayed. I apologize that this is unavoidable. The weekly tarotscopes will be...
The Fool, Magician, High Priestess 7 Feb 2011 | 07:27 pm
Dalam Tarot, terdapat 78 lembar kartu. 22 kartu diantaranya adalah kartu arkana mayor, 56 sisanya adalah arkana minor. Arkana mayor merupakan penggambaran dari perjalanan seorang pandir yang biasa dis...
The Moon Tarot Card Meaning 22 Dec 2012 | 04:44 am
The post The Moon Tarot Card Meaning appeared first on Insightful Psychics. Card Description: The Moon is high in the night sky. It is large and yellow, the pale profile of a woman’s face is within t...
Week at a Glance: The High Priestess 19 Aug 2013 | 02:23 am
The purpose of drawing a "Week at a Glance" card is to get a sense of the sort of energy, circumstances, or personal qualities I might need to be aware of during the upcoming week. I also use this opp...
Gollum is the Wheel of Fortune in the Lord of the Rings Tarot 24 Aug 2013 | 10:30 pm
Artist SceithAilm attaches characters from Lord of the Rings to the classic tarot Major Arcana, casting Aragorn as the Emperor, Galadriel as the High Priestess, and an ensnared Frodo as the Hanged Man...
Tarot Birth Cards of the ‘Rich and Famous’ with Donna Brody 9 Jul 2013 | 06:15 pm
This week’s post comes to us from Donna Brody, a highly enthusiastic student and reader of the Tarot. Donna has participated in many of the Biddy Tarot classes and always brings new perspectives and h...