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Challenges in Introducing Value Education at Higher Education in India 23 May 2012 | 07:11 pm
Value Education is the much debated and discussed subject in the plethora of education in India. Of course it is true that the main purpose of any education will go with Value orientation. More concen...
Higher Education in India 17 Jan 2012 | 06:58 am
Larger Education Higher Education Board of Regents Sen. Bye talks with WVIT-Television Chanel thirty in advance of her September 14 meeting with the new state Board of Regents to talk about the cons...
Education in India 31 May 2009 | 01:26 pm
Shekhar Gupta at Indian Express writes about the need for reform and revamping of Higher education in India: Just as the licence-quota raj created self-inflicted scarcities of telephones, scooters an...
America's College Students Subsidize Those In Third World 13 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
A recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "In India, Academics Defend Photocopying of Textbooks for Course Packs," highlights the wealth and income differences among nations. I underst...
Marylhurst Faculty Member Wins National Award 21 Feb 2012 | 07:00 pm
The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education has named Jennifer Sasser, chair of the Department of Human Sciences at Marylhurst University, a winner of its 2012 Distinguished Faculty Award.
Commission for Higher Education Secretary / Chief Executive Officer Job in Kenya 22 Feb 2012 | 02:00 pm
Nairobi, Manpower Kenya Job Ref. MN 5283 Our client, the Commission for Higher Education, a strategic public institution has the primary mandate over matters of quality assurance, institutional an...
ESIEA, a French Grande Ecole 4 Mar 2011 | 06:47 am
A school of higher education ESIEA is an institution of higher education which provides a five-year course towards the French bac+5 "Ingénieur" degree (equivalent to a Master of Science or Master ...
Digiweb elevates programme to support job seekers 22 Feb 2012 | 01:34 am
Digiweb, Ireland’s largest Irish-owned independent telecommunications company, is delighted to announce its participation in the WebElevate programme through the Higher Education Authority’s Springboa...
A University Is As Good As Its Student Body 7 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
When undertaking that monumental decision of continuing one’s education, it is vital to choose well. The time spent in higher education will lay the groundwork for the future and the outcome later in ...
:: HEAC :: Higher Education Admission Centre – مركز القبول الموحد 19 Jul 2010 | 08:47 pm
مركز خدمات الطلبة البحث عن جميع التفاصيل المطلوبة للفرص في التعليم العالي مزيد بوابة تبادل البيانات تعد بوابة تبادل البيانات لمركز القبول الموحد حلقة وصل إلكترونية بين وزارة التعليم مزيد الرسائل...