Most hip homeschool moms related news are at:

How to clean your commercial espresso machine 27 Aug 2013 | 08:58 am
There are many steps to cleaning an industrial espresso maker. This video shows the basics. Another –easier– option is to look for new commercial espresso machines for sale.
Best options for travel coffee mugs 18 May 2013 | 10:12 pm
Travel Coffee Mugs are becoming more and more popular. Here are some of the most popular travel coffee mugs. 1. Contigo Travel Coffee Mugs Fly to Italy to taste coffee for yourself and you’ll discover...
More hip homeschool moms related news:
A Day In the Life of a Waldorf Homeschool Family 2 Nov 2011 | 04:39 am
Rhythm is the key to making things run smoothly in our household. As a homeschooling mom who is also running a business from home, having balance and rhythm to our days helps make it all possible. Th...
Homeschool Diploma - Yes You Can Do It Yourself 7 Feb 2012 | 12:23 pm
You can write a diploma for your homeschool graduate in most states. links to printable diplomas as well as tips from a homeschool mom.
I'm Guest Posting Again 5 Jul 2011 | 04:39 am
Happy 4th of July! Today you can find me at The Kerrie Show. Kerrie's blog is about...being a mom, being a homeschooling mom, attachment parenting, working around the kiddos, and just life with the f...
I Will Survive- Homeschool Version 10 Jul 2010 | 04:36 am
Just a bit of fun for us homeschool moms!!!! We all Survive!!!!
Mad Dog Math, TOS Review 19 May 2011 | 07:23 am
As a relatively "new to homeschooling" mom, I have made several observations about my two oldest daughters. Homeschooling has allowed me to work so closely with them that I can list their strengths a...
Time4Learning 31 Mar 2011 | 02:57 pm
A few weeks ago I was asked to do a review of the Time4Learning website. This program is for Preschool - 8th grade. Being a homeschool mom, I was very interested in using the website as the biggest ...
Homeschooling High School – Been There, Done That, Great Success 3 Mar 2011 | 06:30 pm
Recently, a homeschool mom named Kela shared her relief that I don’t make homeschooling high school sound as terrifying as other consultants might. Ann added her own encouragement in a comment, and I ...
Life as a single, homeschooling mom & work at home parent 15 Nov 2007 | 08:41 am
There are some days when I know that I’d be thankful to be in a relationship even though that’s not something that I’m actively seeking. However, I have 3 primary roles and to keep all of the plates s...
A New Friend Shares Some Recipes 13 Mar 2011 | 04:59 pm
We are so excited to announce that Kimberly Lottman of Life in the Little Nest has just become a friend of Kimberly is a homeschooling mom of two from Virginia and is a big Char...
You’ve Been Sentenced! Making Grammar Laughable 19 Oct 2011 | 12:57 pm
I am very excited to bring to you this wonderful game! As a homeschooling mom, a lover of grammar and words, and an all around crazy gal, I have to say this game is now one of my favorites! It’s chall...