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More history of sunway lagoon related news:
Sunway Lagoon 22 Nov 2011 | 12:15 am
Bayaran - Pakaian - _________________________________________________________ Waterpark - http://www.sunway....
Magical Musicals: a tribute production by Sunway Lagoon 16 May 2011 | 07:10 pm
Wow, the people at Sunway Lagoon are definitely in love with musicals and they know you share the same interest too! After the success of Peter Pan The Musical at the end of last year, Sunway Lagoon i...
Berjalan ke Sunway Lagoon 18 Jul 2010 | 04:06 am
Hari ni kami berjalan ke Sunway Lagoon Theme Park di Subang Jaya. Apa yang ada di Sunway Lagoon? Entahlah, yang pasti ia adalah tempat untuk sesekali orang2 kaya "membuang" duit. Apa taknya harga tike...
Massive Samsung carnival at Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon. Games, browse phones & update ur phone software! #PartyRockinKL 28 Mar 2012 | 08:18 am
Massive Samsung carnival at Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon. Games, browse phones & update ur phone software! #PartyRockinKL
Sing Away Your Summer Days With Sunway Lagoon 30 May 2012 | 08:36 pm
Sing Away Your Summer Days With Sunway Lagoon ‘Ello young chaps! Lovely day isn’t it? A chilled cuppa’ tea served with some scones would just do the trick eh! Speaking of lovelies, are you one of thos...
mE canon photomarathon 2010 16 Sep 2010 | 12:23 am
If you guys still remember that Canon held a photomarathon last year and it all went well with FREE Canon-shirt, Canon-cap and entry pass to Sunway Lagoon ! Canon Photomarathon 2009 - meet up with to...
Weekend breakaway @ sunway lagoon 9 Mar 2011 | 04:50 pm
walaupon locationnya tidaklah jauh mana dari rumah, kami sekeluarga tak pernah jejak kaki ke sunway lagoon yg femes ittew.. pengakuan ikhlas ni hehehe.. so, since my sister dah belikan tiket murah ut...
terima kasih kerana menggila bersama-sama ;) 19 Jun 2011 | 05:15 am
setinggi penghargaan buat rakan-rakan segila saya : Amir, Lopayn & Arie krn pergi menggila bersama2 di Sunway Lagoon krn menonton Magical Musical pd 17 Jun 2011...special thanks to Lopayn 4 da tickets...
bersuka ria di sunway lagoon~~~~ 31 Jan 2012 | 07:22 pm
haii.. nak cter ni.. semalam (30/1/12) aku ngan 2 org member aku, farizatul nadia n aqilah g bersuke ria kat sunway lagoonnn.. SYOK GILERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! sebenarnye bende ni rancang tibe2 je,n tet...
jom kita tengok PC di Sunway LAgoon! 29 Dec 2009 | 03:52 pm
Hye semua.. Harini zack nak tunjukkan kat korang semua hasil dari semalam Press Conference di sunway lagoon.. kepada yang ada facebook mungkin korang semua tahu.. huhu.. jom kita tengok gambar-gambar...