Most hk post blank tracking related news are at:

IR Laser pointer spot is not dot 27 Aug 2013 | 03:22 pm
Hi I am trying to make 500mW IR laser pointer. I ordered LCU80E041A diodes. and 9-18-21mm lenses. I believe I successfully drive the diode. But when I focus the beam to a 30m target the spot that I g...
16340 battery where to buy ? 27 Aug 2013 | 01:41 pm
HI Where can I find a 16340 battery for my laser with quality ? There's from Sanyo Panasonic, or Sony ??? Opinions :thanks: Best regards ;)
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Free Shipping R4 DS + 2GB Micro SanDisk SD Card with kernel ! Plug and Play! 15 Mar 2012 | 10:51 pm
R4DS Card with 2G SanDisk Micro SD Card, kernel preloaded, The R4 DS card works on Any DS and DS Lite console. Free Shipping with HK post Shipment! Tracking # provided! -2nd generation storage device...
Nge-BLANK. Kembali Ke Track Semula 26 Apr 2011 | 07:03 pm
[Malang, 26 April 2011] Saya posting tulisan ini dalam keadaan ngeBLANK. Separuh badan rasanya masih tidur/mimpi. Seperti melayang2 diantara siang dan malam. Rasanya persis banget kayak JetLag. Semin...