Most ho chi minh weather april related news are at:
– | Life and Travel in Vietnam
From Canada to Vietnam 25 Aug 2013 | 08:11 am
My friend returned home the following day and we had a bit of a reunion….. BBQ steaks!! What can there be better than a 1 inch steak grilling on the BBQ? NOTHING…. SORRY!! I was again surprised that t...
RipTide open for business 1 Aug 2013 | 09:33 pm
Friends The RipTide Nha Trang Homestay is now open for business! I have to offer a big thank you to all of you that have somehow already found us and stayed in our new venture. It is you who has made...
More ho chi minh weather april related news:
WED 07 April 2010 8 Apr 2010 | 11:45 am
Wed. we went to Dam Sen Park in HCM (Ho Chi Minh) City, District 11 where we met several UK VAD (VN adoptees) and one VAD from Austrailia, Germany and Sweden. It was really neat to meet them and start...