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Is Maj. Nidal Hasan cooperating with military prosecutors in an attempt to achieve "suicide by court-martial"? 7 Aug 2013 | 10:36 pm
Law enforcement officials are familiar with the typical pattern of "suicide by cop." But if accurate, this news article (which the Austin American-Stateman continues to update since I first saw it) su...
Early observations on an experimental family e-library and e-bookclub using Kindles 22 Jul 2013 | 03:31 am
Instapundit Glenn Reynolds writes today that his Kindle Paperwhite has "replaced [his] iPad as [his] favorite device for reading Kindle books": The backlighting is the key. It’s light, battery lasts ...
More hockey mom from alaska related news:
MILFs Gone Anal 22 Apr 2009 | 06:38 am
MILFs Gone Anal Milfs Gone Anal is the perfect blend of anal penetration and milf ass, watch a hockey mom have anal sex and see her mature ass pounded by a huge dick. Exclusive member benefits inclu...
Help for Single Moms in Alaska – Grants, Loans 29 Jan 2011 | 04:11 pm
No one may know and understand the challenges you are facing as a single mom right now, but looking for help in the right places is invaluable when you need it. Whether you want to go back to college ...
LOW Entry Giveaways Ending TODAY and TOMORROW 17 Aug 2013 | 08:56 pm
Our Bookshelf - Children's 2-Book Bible Giveaway - 8/17 Penny Minding Mom - Lovable Labels Back to School Pack - 8/17 2justByou - (2) $15 gift certificates - 8/17 Nebraska Hockey Mom - Various Mono...
April Moxxie Blog Hop - Hockey 5 Apr 2013 | 04:30 pm
All right, hockey moms! This one is for YOU! Welcome to Moxxie's April Muse-A-Palooza Blog Hop! We have a grungy, icy, rough, real hockey collection to share...and you could win the entire Hockey co...
Funny One Liners 26 Aug 2013 | 01:35 pm
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once. My hockey mom can beat up your soccer mom. My mind is like a steel trap, rusty and illegal in 37 states. Never ask a barber if he thinks you n...
Felizmente é apenas lá no Alaska 17 Dec 2009 | 01:20 pm
” Se Deus não quisesse que comêssemos animais, para que os faria de carne”. A autora desta pérola é Sarah Palin, a hockey mum que se não fosse o fenómeno Obama poderia ter sido a Vice-do mundo. É verd...
Is Too Much Safety Putting Kids at Risk? 15 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
Shortly after we returned from our trip, I saw this car commercial in which a safety-conscious mom loaded her kid up with protective gear – helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, hockey gloves, etc – before ...
One Girl, One Cup 14 Jun 2012 | 03:32 am
Due to my mom’s hatred for wild and ruthless confrontation, she never exposed me to the toothless sport of hockey. The one time I attempted to watch it, I experienced so much trouble following the pu...
Is Too Much Safety Putting Kids at Risk? 14 Jun 2010 | 08:00 pm
Shortly after we returned from our trip, I saw this car commercial in which a safety-conscious mom loaded her kid up with protective gear – helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, hockey gloves, etc – before ...
Alaska Airport Shut Down After Bad Joke about Bomb in Luggage 18 Oct 2012 | 09:52 pm
When going through airport security, many people are hesitant to even say the word bomb in case they are misinterpreted by paranoid airport officials. However, a hockey referee from Colorado was not t...